NYCFC 2021 MLS Cup Champions

I don’t want my only comment at this moment to be about the absurdity regarding the officials calling a fair game.
I came to Portland with my daughter on what felt like a bonkers decision. The flight was long and felt pretty arduous as I got my vaccine booster the day before leaving. I had no problem with the initial shot but the booster walloped me, however, I digress from the important points…
My daughter and I are privileged and blessed to be able to have this experience and NYCFC not winning wouldn’t have made the trip a bust. Them winning just made it more magical. We made a short visit to the Hilton and watched the team come in and we’re able to get pictures with Anton, Keaton and Sean. I told Sean I was happy for him and he politely responded with thanks I appreciate that. We left after getting the picture with SJ and my daughter hyperbolically but sweetly said today was the best day ever.
Thanks to everyone on the forum especially those who run the damn thing, thanks to the third rail who made this trip possible. Savor the feeling. It was a special year with a special team that may look a little different come next season. Damn it was so great to win in Providence Park.
I am really happy for the whole damn team. Happy Holidays! We all got one hell of a gift this year!
i was heated, im like bruh that elbow was clear as day. I do wonder if chanot previous antics played against him there.
Nah the ref was hesitant to call any yellow cards all day, he wasn’t going to call any foul that wasn’t absolutely obvious (like a punch or something lol). Ref was a giant wuss.
Curious about this… Chanot was apoplectic. I know he can get pretty “spirited” but holy schmole … he was up in one the broadcast cameras “grill” after raging at 3 different officials.

ref was calling the occasion and not the game. he was inconsistent as hell and clearly favored the home side on a lot of calls unless they were absolutely agregious.

but that's what you expect as the away team. and we still won so it is what it is. bad refs everywhere. could have been worse and they botched the interpretation of the new handball rule and gave a PK for chanot's handball. thank god that didn't happen.
ref was calling the occasion and not the game. he was inconsistent as hell and clearly favored the home side on a lot of calls unless they were absolutely agregious.

but that's what you expect as the away team. and we still won so it is what it is. bad refs everywhere. could have been worse and they botched the interpretation of the new handball rule and gave a PK for chanot's handball. thank god that didn't happen.

He absolutely favored the home team. No question about it. Listen, in that moment I understand why the foul isn't called, but it's a foul. In the last second of a championship game. I get why it's not called, but holy shit man. It felt for a moment like the fix was in.

Theres only one item I’m contemplating (picking this design primarily because it will also be our 2022 home jersey)

Bought it. Not going to buy a second kit with just a star and silver patch. And since I don’t add players names/numbers anymore, this is dope.
ref was calling the occasion and not the game. he was inconsistent as hell and clearly favored the home side on a lot of calls unless they were absolutely agregious.

but that's what you expect as the away team. and we still won so it is what it is. bad refs everywhere. could have been worse and they botched the interpretation of the new handball rule and gave a PK for chanot's handball. thank god that didn't happen.

None of the calls against us bothered me that much - I agree with your post. We didn’t do ourselves any favors with all the acting - makes it hard for refs - but I also appreciate that much of the time he was letting stuff go.

I was more upset about lack of subs at the end - and subbing off a left back while holding a lead - but holy guacamole I can’t believe we did it. I’m in total shock as is my credit card with all the Championship gear.

I’ve been a big Medina basher but I thought he was ok - and had very little faith in Sean Johnson going in to the playoffs but he was close to perfect this game. I’m now a fan for life of our goalie.
Bought it. Not going to buy a second kit with just a star and silver patch. And since I don’t add players names/numbers anymore, this is dope.

what's to stop you from putting CHAMPIONS and 21 on the back of a jersey you buy next year?