NYCFC Players Wanted Thread

I agree he makes sense for an MLS team but I don't think it's us. We are one of the only teams with ownership willing to pay over $6m per DP. No way Guzan is a $6m level player so why waste one of our spots on him. Let him go to one of the smaller MLS teams that will want him badly for the USMNT ticket sale boost. I also agree with what others have said that using a DP spot on a goalie is a total waste. I'd take 3/4 of the current MLS goalies plus a DP spot over wasting a DP slot on Guzan.

I totally agree with the first part of this. If a team has the money to pay $6 million per DP, then Guzan is not your guy. However, I do think he'd be a worthwhile upgrade for a team willing to pay the $2-3 million he makes now.
I totally agree with the first part of this. If a team has the money to pay $6 million per DP, then Guzan is not your guy. However, I do think he'd be a worthwhile upgrade for a team willing to pay the $2-3 million he makes now.
It's all a moot point.... if Guzan comes back to MLS, Chivas USA holds his rights and them bastards won't trade with any other club - they don't even return phone calls..... it's as if they aren't even there any longer.
It's all a moot point.... if Guzan comes back to MLS, Chivas USA holds his rights and them bastards won't trade with any other club - they don't even return phone calls..... it's as if they aren't even there any longer.
When is Buffon retiring? Is he worth a few mil to play another 2-3 years for NY?
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When is Buffon retiring? Is he worth a few mil to play another 2-3 years for NY?

lol what? dude is 38...if casillas is not worth it i dont think a practically 40 yr old GK will be worth it no matter the talent.
lol what? dude is 38...if casillas is not worth it i dont think a practically 40 yr old GK will be worth it no matter the talent.
If a quarterback can win a Super Bowl at 40 why can't a few super talented goal keeper play into their 40s? I would say goalkeeper's job is less physically demanding? As long as he is at or above 80% of his peak and the price is right, I contend it's a worthy upgrade from Saunders. I don't know how so many reached conclusion that Casillas won't be a worthy upgrade for us... I suspect you are underestimate a true champions' heart and talent. Every top athlete go through period of slump...just my 2 cents
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If a quarterback can win a Super Bowl at 40 why can't a few super talented goal keeper play into their 40s? I would say goalkeeper's job is less physically demanding? As long as he is at or above 80% of his peak and the price is right, I contend it's a worthy upgrade from Saunders. I don't know how so many reached conclusion that Casillas won't be a worthy upgrade for us... I suspect you are underestimate a true champions' heart and talent. Every top athlete go through period of slump...just my 2 cents
Under the current DP structure, it makes absolutely 0 sense to use one of your DP spots on a keeper. The value is much greater elsewhere. I could hear an argument for Buffon if he was not a DP, but you mentioned "a few million".

If a MLS team were to use a DP spot on a keeper, it should be for World Class...De Gea as an example, and that ain't happening.
If a quarterback can win a Super Bowl at 40 why can't a few super talented goal keeper play into their 40s? I would say goalkeeper's job is less physically demanding? As long as he is at or above 80% of his peak and the price is right
Agree with a caveat. I actually like Saunders. But Buffon at 20% would be an upgrade. The guy is still an exceptional UCL level GK for the top side in Serie A. Saunders wouldn't make a relegation squad.
If a quarterback can win a Super Bowl at 40 why can't a few super talented goal keeper play into their 40s? I would say goalkeeper's job is less physically demanding? As long as he is at or above 80% of his peak and the price is right, I contend it's a worthy upgrade from Saunders. I don't know how so many reached conclusion that Casillas won't be a worthy upgrade for us... I suspect you are underestimate a true champions' heart and talent. Every top athlete go through period of slump...just my 2 cents

Well that 40 year old has a top notch defense playing for him and probably the ones responsible for getting there and winning that Super Bowl.

And no I don't think it would be a good deal. I want us to get younger with DP's not older but that's just me

And Casillas has been blundering a lot lately, even in his last couple of Real Madrid years. The heart is not in question nor is that he is an upgrade over sanders (johanssen already is kind of making me want him be a starter) is that age catches up to you and you ain't in the top level you once were
Under the current DP structure, it makes absolutely 0 sense to use one of your DP spots on a keeper. The value is much greater elsewhere. I could hear an argument for Buffon if he was not a DP, but you mentioned "a few million".

If a MLS team were to use a DP spot on a keeper, it should be for World Class...De Gea as an example, and that ain't happening.
Agreeing with the DP structure argument. All I tried to say is Casillas at 20% is better than Saunders. And many of you will be surprised how well he performs if he ever came to the US. Granted,whether we should get him is another question , having to take into account MLS rules which I always argue is restricting the leagues growth and revenue... But that's another topic for another day.
Some interesting facts and comparison to MLS... We have some competition for second tier and sunset stars now. MLS better wise up and allow NY to spend more. It's a global market. Our league can mandate parity/equality within this market, but how about internationally? You can't. So those parity/equality rules only serve to kill our market here. They work for NFL and NBA because the US has the monopoly globally... In those sports, you regulate the US, you regulate the whole world. But soccer is different and far more global. I wish my fellow NY soccer fans will be more vocal and urge the league to allow us or any other clubs to spend as much as we can, which at the end will benefit the whole league and the world. Temporary inequality is ok for this league... Liberty is more important! Join the chant and let us spend to acquire world class talent to our fans delight. Viva NYCFC with a deep pocket and TGIF
Some interesting facts and comparison to MLS... We have some competition for second tier and sunset stars now. MLS better wise up and allow NY to spend more. It's a global market. Our league can mandate parity/equality within this market, but how about internationally? You can't. So those parity/equality rules only serve to kill our market here. They work for NFL and NBA because the US has the monopoly globally... In those sports, you regulate the US, you regulate the whole world. But soccer is different and far more global. I wish my fellow NY soccer fans will be more vocal and urge the league to allow us or any other clubs to spend as much as we can, which at the end will benefit the whole league and the world. Temporary inequality is ok for this league... Liberty is more important! Join the chant and let us spend to acquire world class talent to our fans delight. Viva NYCFC with a deep pocket and TGIF
I think it'll take a few more big-pocket teams joining (Atlanta, LAFC, Qatari-Becks) and MLS missing out on a big group of targets (to China), and then we'll see an immediate shift in the rules. It's the big pocket teams that will be most affected because their business models are fabricated on the ROI from marketing name-players - that's the only way to make back the $100M pay-to-play entry fee.
I think it'll take a few more big-pocket teams joining (Atlanta, LAFC, Qatari-Becks) and MLS missing out on a big group of targets (to China), and then we'll see an immediate shift in the rules. It's the big pocket teams that will be most affected because their business models are fabricated on the ROI from marketing name-players - that's the only way to make back the $100M pay-to-play entry fee.

Maybe, but what rule changes are going to solve a bidding war? We already allow teams to spend an unlimited amount on their DPs, so I'm not sure how we are holding investors back from spending what they need to.

I suppose I could see them removing transfer fees from the salary budget charge calculation, in order to open up more foreign players for bidding. But I'd also like to see a luxury tax implemented at that point to hedge against runaway spending and spending imbalances among teams. If an MLS team is willing to pay a foreign team for developing talent for them, they should also have to kick in funds to help MLS teams get better at developing domestic talent.
Not concerned about the Chinese. You have to want to live in China. Yes, the total dollars will attract some people. But I don't care that MLS missed out on Ramires or that Oba went over there.

Guys want to live and play in the USA. Maybe not Columbus, but LA, NYC and Miami are destinations for these stars. Not Chaungdou, China.
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Not concerned about the Chinese. You have to want to live in China. Yes, the total dollars will attract some people. But I don't care that MLS missed out on Ramires or that Oba went over there.

Guys want to live and play in the USA. Maybe not Columbus, but LA, NYC and Miami are destinations for these stars. Not Chaungdou, China.

I'm not saying you're 100% wrong, but that's a bit biased. Much of China is just fine for living conditions, especially for only a few years and millions of dollars. And plenty have players have chosen to play in places like Qatar over staying in Europe for a couple extra million.

Also, "Chaungdou?" Did you just throw some random syllables together?
the reason rules wont change is because if its free for all then foreigners will increase a lot and players like grabavoy jacobson, wingert etc wont find a spot in a MLS and thats a big no no due to the players union at least i think it will be an issue with them
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the reason rules wont change is because if its free for all then foreigners will increase a lot and players like grabavoy jacobson, wingert etc wont find a spot in a MLS and thats a big no no due to the players union at least i think it will be an issue with them
Don't think this would be true. MLS already overpays for US players (Jozy, Bradley, Dempsey and soon Tim Howard). Plus you have the international slot limits.

As for players picking NYC over China, isn't Xavi playing in empty stadiums in the middle of the desert and not YS? Money will always win.