NYCFC Players Wanted Thread

As much as I love the Zlatan confirmed trope, I'm not sure he is our best signing. When we signed Pirlo we created a situation where we had two DPs Pirlo/Lamps who didn't fit well together. Doesn't Zlatan/Villa do the same thing? Don't they both want to play the same position?

Would have to change formation to 4-4-2 or play Villa deeper in a 4-2-3-1, personally they should use their DP on a Centre Back (when Lampard leaves), Villa and Zlatan like to be the end product of a play (build up) you could put Villa on the wing but you be wasting a talent, why would you sacrifice your best player for someone else to come in
Would have to change formation to 4-4-2 or play Villa deeper in a 4-2-3-1, personally they should use their DP on a Centre Back (when Lampard leaves), Villa and Zlatan like to be the end product of a play (build up) you could put Villa on the wing but you be wasting a talent, why would you sacrifice your best player for someone else to come in
Because Zlatan is better.
Hmmmm toughie, David Villa could still do a good job in Europe, ok maybe not Zlatan level now but Villa is the most talented player in the league with Giovinco, be a waste of DP tbh definitely would have to go to a 4-4-2 without affecting Villa game too much
Villa is very capable of playing as a wider forward. I actually think they would compliment each other really well, as they are two very different types of forward.
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I thought the same regarding Pirlo.

True, but we still had a DP slot pre-Pirlo. As it stands we'd have to wait for Lamps to leave, and I think he will be taken by then. You never know, though. We've shown some shrewdness in terms of player acquisition recently, besides Teixeira.
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I wish we knew how much TAM and GAM it would take to buy down Lampard. Bam.

I also think a likely scenario (unfortunately) is that we sell Poku to the highest bidder. With stupid MLS rules, we'd get either 50% or 66% of the money(I forget) and are allowed to use up to around $650,000 in GAM. That gives us a lot of roster flexibility (assuming that he goes for over $1 million, which idk if that will actually happen).
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Yes. He makes 6 Million.

I think Nasri would be a tremendous fit wide left, with Taylor moving wide right.
We've been stockpiling TAM and I am assuming we still have some GAM. Buy Lampard down in the summer and sign either Nasri or Zlatan.

Zlatan said today that the only way he stays at PSG is if they replace the Eiffel Tower with a statue of him.
Maybe its time that we give Lady Liberty a nose job and a man bun then....
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Has Messi possibility died? All along I have been waiting for Messi in 2020 season. Eithet him or CR in 2018 season. And how about the goalkeeper and CB situation? We can have Sergio Ramos in 2-3 years?
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Frank may honestly be the worst DP of all time with the way things are looking. And the worst part is he is killing us more off the field than on.

There are some great options this summer, and we will end up having to pass on all of them.
There will be great options every summer. It almost seems that clubs should sign DPs to contracts that end in June with a team option for 6 more months. That way if you are having a great run, you keep the DP through year end. If not, you have the option to take advantage of the transfer window.
There will be great options every summer. It almost seems that clubs should sign DPs to contracts that end in June with a team option for 6 more months. That way if you are having a great run, you keep the DP through year end. If not, you have the option to take advantage of the transfer window.
Well, there was a great option to not sign Frank to either his fake or real contract.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: from an NYC supporter's perspective, he's the Bill Clinton of footy. Everyone likes what he says. No one has a clue what, if anything, he will actually accomplish.

Eta: that might be the most complimentary thing I've said about Frank.
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