Comes another rumor about the future of Andrea Pirlo. In Turin yesterday was staged on the last day of school. In greeting teammates, Angela, the second child of the Juventus midfielder, has unveiled the future of the father said he will follow in the United States with his new girlfriend, Valentina Baldini.
When I read this I can't help but feel troubled at the way our society treats celebrities and those associated with them. I can only think of a few ways a journalist came across this information and none of them seem particularly good.
1. Journalists are asking his daughter's friends if she has said anything about her dad's future. Not only is this exploiting children who probably aren't old enough to realize they shouldn't say anything, but it could make her not trust he friends because she says something and it ends up in the papers or on the news.
2. Parents/relatives/family friends of her friends/teammates/classmates heard it from their child and told the press to make a few bucks. If this is true, it's sad that parents are exploiting their children's relationship with the child of a celebrity to make money.
3. Teachers/staff/coaches at the school told the press. This is close to the same as parents, except worse in my eyes because it would be people in an authority position doing the exploiting. Kids are supposed to be able to trust/ talk with people in any of these positions and them talking to the press about a child's personal matters would violate that trust.
4. The journalist/ someone from the positions above made it up. Obviously journalists make things up all the time, especially relating to soccer transfer rumors, but using the child as a "source" for a made-up article would be even worse considering it might make Pirlo or other celebrities weary of talking with their children about important life decisions like moving to a different country for work.
Sorry if this seems like too much of a rant or if I missed a possible situation that makes this story and how it was acquired by the press better, but I can help feeling happy sometimes that I'm just another random person. Media exploiting my friends/loved ones for any story would be exhausting and would make me find it hard to trust people.