Official (random Player Name) To Nycfc Rumor Thread

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Yup, I just posted this in the Supporters forum. Though I can't tell if they mean we need to cut these guys by the end of July 1 (Wednesday), or by the end of June 30 (Tuesday). From a reading of the MLS Roster Rules it seemed like the former.
Yeah I just saw that. I agree with you it is hard to tell which day but I don't think it matters since we practice on Wednesday there is no way they'll let those guys practice they will cut them tomorrow before the new blood arrives.
He's not saying dress them in sombreros and have them appear with a mariachi band, but doing spots telling people to come thru yankee stadium to watch games or have them appear regularly local Spanish TV helps. They had Villa appear on those channels and I'm sure it drew people. Having them appear regularly drills into people that were the local team.

Villa played for Barcelona. Pirlo could do those spots, speaking Spanglish, and still draw eyeballs.
I think we have seen the last of kws but i am sure grabavoys contract is guaranteed. He is a long time mls starter.
I think if we put Poku as our target man it would help us. He can be a forward like we saw at the Cosmos game. He dribbles the ball ALOT when he's in midfield but if we have Mix, Lamp, TMac, and Pirlo in mid we can move Poku up forward as the big strong body. Then we can focus on what hurts us the most. DEFENSE.
And this is why they should just institute a luxury tax. If it cost NYCFC 2 Million to buy another DPS slot and those funds were spread between the lower teams, you're telling me Colorado doesn't get on board with a 250k pay day?
Better yet make it a progressive luxury tax. 1 for 1 for the first x million over. Then 1.5 for 1. Etc. now teams with cash can spend limitless money and lower teams get bigger and bigger pay days.
That just encourages the Sugarmans, Hunt, and Kroenkes to not even bother spending money and just use money they'd get from us, LA and Seattle.
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