Feel free to brainstorm here. If you're not going perhaps someone that is can ask questions on your behalf.
Personally I always find these types of things tough, because you know you're not going to get a straight answer to any question that isn't softball. While SSS and player signing questions should be and probably will be asked, I doubt any answers of substance will be given. Ticket prices? Local TV coverage? Kit release?
Are there any issues using the NYCFC logo for flags or tifos during games?
I really struggle to see the club objecting to their own fans using their own logo. It would be like shooting themselves in the foot with a howitzer. That said, still feel free to ask it and get the official line.
Personally I always find these types of things tough, because you know you're not going to get a straight answer to any question that isn't softball. While SSS and player signing questions should be and probably will be asked, I doubt any answers of substance will be given. Ticket prices? Local TV coverage? Kit release?
From experience following other MLS clubs all these years, it is highly unlikely you can use the teams official logo's for anything that is either sold (like scarves and t-shirts) or given away for promotions/rewards (like branded freebies) with the rare exception that the club designs it and gives it to you for use. I would expect them to allow use for in stadium items that you arrange with them, like Tifo and flags.I really struggle to see the club objecting to their own fans using their own logo. It would be like shooting themselves in the foot with a howitzer. That said, still feel free to ask it and get the official line.
how about asking maybe discount ticket prices for the club for those people who are also season ticket holders of the yankees? maybe bring in your ticket stub while you purchase a single game ticket and save like $10 or something like that or get a free beer or just some small incentive
In that case, einwindir ...
How much of an influence will Manchester City be to New York City FC? Understandably you want to be your own club, but will they be in a position to suggest certain things to you, and I do not mean how to play soccer. I know that playing the 'City way' will be brought to the club, but other than that, as the parent club, will they have any control over you?
Again, whilst being your own club in your own right, how does it feel that MCFC have now bought Melbourne Heart and, by all accounts, are looking at a Portuguese club and a club somewhere in Asia for their next expansion (and I realise you are unlikely to speak about this matter whether you are aware of it or not)? Does it feel like a large family you are proud to be associated with, or (and, again, I realise you cannot speak for the fans) do you worry that some fans may look at this franchise as just another money-making opportunity for ADUG?
What are we looking at as being a success during the inaugural season? Consolidation? Or play-offs? I understand that "to play is to win", but it would be a big ask, so what are your reasonable expectations?
It has been said that players coming to the end of their game, particularly from Manchester City will be offered to you, whilst their experience will undoubtedly be of a massive help to the team, are you not concerned that some will look at this as simply being "one last payday", and allowing Manchester City a quick and easy way to get easily get rid of one or two players?
Whilst I am sure it is looked upon as being a great challenge to face and overcome, how big of a job is it to create an entire squad from scratch ready to play competitive soccer next year? Creating a fanbase that supports the club no matter what is probably chicken-feed compared to building a squad that has a winning spirit and is able to play together holistically.
Do you consider yourselves as perceived targets by other clubs? By that I mean, a scalp to take, should they beat us, due to us being new and the nature of how we have been formed? Yes, a game is a game, but perhaps others wish to welcome us to the league by teaching us a lesson?
There's a few questions. I know not all (if any) will be asked, but I am curious nevertheless.