JGarrettLieb you asked me on the shout box if I'm gonna stay with this team when Andrea's gone ? Well for the most part Andrea's gone at this point ! But if this Organization tops Tommy my decision will be an easy one ! I am beyond pissed about how they've treated him this year ! We have Batman you don't get rid of Robin Stupids ! If Americans find foreign players hard to deal with . Why the Fuck would we ship off our American boy's to God Knows Where?? The MLS is American . If it wants to be filled with outsiders then it BETTER FOLLOW the Rules set by everyone but us and be deregulated to B or C class when it doesn't produce !! This is how I feel . What are your thoughts ? Thanks !!!
My thoughts are as follows,
1. Why has your grammar regressed, you were doing so well.
2. You are loyal to the people who comprise the organization known as a sports team. Therefore you likely root for several teams in any given sport, or at least change your team loyalty every few years.
3. I am loyal to the organization that is the sports team.
On a more granular level, we should sell TMac because he has value elsewhere that is greater than the value he provides here. This is due to
1. The best look we can give teams is with Herrera.
2. Herrera playing puts Pirlo on the bench.
3. TMac is an offensive substitute for Pirlo. Which is irrelevant going forwards because we aren't really going to have to manage Pirlo's minutes, because he's going to be riding the bench.
4. Having a substitute for a bench player, who can start elsewhere is a misallocation of resources.
5. TMac is no longer cheap and cheerful at $60k a year, he's pulling down $160k and you cant have a player making that much who doesn't even make the bench in this league. Its a slightly cheaper Jason Hernandez all over again. Except we can actually sell TMac for value instead of being forced to wait out the contract.