Savile Rogue Scarf Designs Vote

Which would you like to see produced?

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Tiger Jones

Seasoned Supporter
Mar 29, 2014
I've made a new thread so that we could keep an organized poll for the options for the scarf from Savile Rogue. You can see the whole thread for that here. Can one of the mods combine these threads to avoid redundancy? (@NYCFC_Dan @Falastur @einwindir)

Please choose one from the following and I'll send your feedback over:


[Initial Post]
I posted this on the Third Rail Facebook page yesterday and got a lot of positive response. Here it is for all you forum folk who may not be on there. Curious to hear some of your input and pass the discount along to you all as well when the time comes:

Hey everyone, I wrote to Savile Rogue (an excellent cashmere scarf manufacturer in the UK) about adding NYCFC scarves to their website and setting up a discount for the Third Rail. They agreed to but as far as the colors, would you want something like Man City's or something more in line with this. Or perhaps we can get one with a bit of orange thrown in. Let me know!
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I wrote on the TR page that the dark navy is already used on by their company for SKC. We just need to add a narrow orange accent stripe to it and it would be perfect. Help distinguish it for us. Great find!
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I Like the Man City colors one.... Maybe they can do city blue, white, and navy. Do you know if they do some sort of shipping discount to the US.
I Like the Man City colors one.... Maybe they can do city blue, white, and navy. Do you know if they do some sort of shipping discount to the US.

I think they may sometimes, but I'm going to see what they can do for us since they know that a majority of orders would be shipping to the US.
Dude, do it the way YOU want to do it or let the company know to drop some orange in there. Then let people decide to buy it or not. Everybody is a cot zang master graphic designer if you let them tell it. YOU found a great site. YOU spoke to them about making this happen. This is YOUR baby.
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Dude, do it the way YOU want to do it or let the company know to drop some orange in there. Then let people decide to buy it or not. Everybody is a cot zang master graphic designer if you let them tell it. YOU found a great site. YOU spoke to them about making this happen. This is YOUR baby.

You must be the guy who picked out the design for the original TR scarf.
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Dude, do it the way YOU want to do it or let the company know to drop some orange in there. Then let people decide to buy it or not. Everybody is a cot zang master graphic designer if you let them tell it. YOU found a great site. YOU spoke to them about making this happen. This is YOUR baby.

Yes, but I'd rather have input from people who are willing to throw down the money. I think I've figured out what the consensus is at this point anyway.
You must be the guy who picked out the design for the original TR scarf.

Again, people who've been nowhere and done nothing making assumptions. The TR scarf was selected through a competition. Everyone had the opportunity to submit a design. 4 finalists were selected by the TR Board. Those 4 were voted on by the members. So no, I didn't pick out the design.
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Something like this Vertical stripe scarf might be cool and a little different from the standard bar scarf.

I posted this on the Third Rail Facebook page yesterday and got a lot of positive response. Here it is for all you forum folk who may not be on there. Curious to hear some of your input and pass the discount along to you all as well when the time comes:

Hey everyone, I wrote to Savile Rogue (an excellent cashmere scarf manufacturer in the UK) about adding NYCFC scarves to their website and setting up a discount for the Third Rail. They agreed to but as far as the colors, would you want something like Man City's or something more in line with this. Or perhaps we can get one with a bit of orange thrown in. Let me know!
I think orange is key, considering its place on our badge and away shirt.
Again, people who've been nowhere and done nothing making assumptions. The TR scarf was selected through a competition. Everyone had the opportunity to submit a design. 4 finalists were selected by the TR Board. Those 4 were voted on by the members. So no, I didn't pick out the design.

Dude it was joke because of your high horsed comment. Yes, I'm an original TR member and I voted on our name and scarf design. Was at early meetings, but not recently because of family commitments. Didn't make it to draft, or even watch it, because I was in meetings for work. I'm just as loyal a supporter as you, just a grownup without as much time on my hands. Happy to have people like you to make all the events, support us, and be our face. But don't devalue my ideas and opinions because I couldn't go to philly and get drunk on a Thursday. Believe me, I wish I could.
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Listen, I'm not into internet bickering.

Tiger, your idea is fantastic. I'm excited to see the final product.
It should be like that MCFC one but with an extra Orange block in the pattern, but also Dark Blue. So Dark Blue, White, Orange. Like the NYC Flag.2000px-Flag_of_New_York_City.svg.png