Theyre real upset about Villa not training in Manchester.... Even though nothing has been decided yet, and most of the stuff I've read said he would be training in Man city
Theyre real upset about Villa not training in Manchester.... Even though nothing has been decided yet, and most of the stuff I've read said he would be training in Man city
Theyre real upset about Villa not training in Manchester.... Even though nothing has been decided yet, and most of the stuff I've read said he would be training in Man city
Kreis said today he wasn't going to get loaned to Man City. My guess is they have somewhere worked out already but won't announce it till it gets finalized.
A couple of the usual worms have come out from under their rocks. Love the way "they're not impressed in the least" or "disappointed, because they expected a higher caliber player than Villa" to be out first signing.
Guess they're too busy with their circle jerks over their Raul posters to realize what's taken place here.
The CFG have a finely tuned policy in place where information is released to the public on their own timeframe a bit disappointing sometimes that the rumour mill has no grist BUT when details do come out you know its for real!
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