Brooklyn Blue
Any definition of game that allows the the winner to be devastated and the loser ecstatic is a useless definition of game. We did not win 2-0 over Columbus in 2017. We lost a single contest 4-3 and both sides played accordingly. When neither side cares who "won" there is no winning or losing.
ETA: Seriously and I'm not being pedantic or contentious because I'm salty over Wednesday. Do people really think we won something that night against Columbus? Do people think we accomplished something that Columbus tried to prevent? That's completely incomprehensible to me and and absolute elevation of form over substance.
Double ETA: Apologies to Schwallacus who made it clear that he didn't want an argument. I also have no interest in arguing. I do find the opposing view beyond comprehension.
Agreed, there is a bit of form over substance in the discussion. However, 2-6 (by games) or 1-4 (based on advancement) would be accurate. Not 1-6.
And, as noted, neither is great.