Toronto (Home, Playoffs) - Postmatch

I saw the same thing and have the same questions. I suppose that doesn't help but at least you know it's not something you completely made up. It was way on the other corner of the field from my seats, but it looked like our guy was fouled, face planted, the ref signaled advantage then a whistle blew very soon thereafter and offside was called.

one thing last night was I could never tell if ref was signaling advantage or calling a foul. i couldn't hear the whistle for one.. and his hand signals all looked to be the same to me.
one thing last night was I could never tell if ref was signaling advantage or calling a foul. i couldn't hear the whistle for one.. and his hand signals all looked to be the same to me.
For the play I'm thinking of, it was the one time I clearly saw advantage signaled FWIW.
How are we even comparing Chanot and Matarrita?

Matarrita was awful last night. Chanot was above average and made an awful mistake. But Matarrita’s defense was atrocious for 95 minutes last night. His head wasn’t there.
How are we even comparing Chanot and Matarrita?

Matarrita was awful last night. Chanot was above average and made an awful mistake. But Matarrita’s defense was atrocious for 95 minutes last night. His head wasn’t there.

I wasn't trying to compare defensive prowess between mata and chanot. clearly, chanot is a better defender and I would never argue that he wasn't. I just wonder if we'd be so hard on Chanot if the timing of the defensive mistakes were reversed.
Trying to find some light in all of this, we turn to none other than Matt Doyle. He says we have a good team, enough depth, and play a good style, we just need 1-2 more pieces to get to that next level. He said, minor adjustments. And he makes a fair point. If we utilize the MLS roster limitations to their fullest potential (i.e. 3 All Star Caliber DPs), we can reach the next point.

Trying to find some light in all of this, we turn to none other than Matt Doyle. He says we have a good team, enough depth, and play a good style, we just need 1-2 more pieces to get to that next level. He said, minor adjustments. And he makes a fair point. If we utilize the MLS roster limitations to their fullest potential (i.e. 3 All Star Caliber DPs), we can reach the next point.

and yet MLS 2020 preseason, Doyle will predict we finish no better than 8th in the east. lol

but seriously, for the most part, i agree. we have a solid team right now. but there are some moving pieces with the roster going into 2020. it'll be interesting to see what happens going forward. does GMS really have a future with us? He's been nonexistent for awhile now.
Matarrita's mistake was probably the worst concession of a penalty kick I have ever seen, and that's not even taking into account the game situation and the high stakes. When you combine those three, it explains why people are singling him out.

First, Mata was turned by the backup right back, who ran right past him. Then, while chasing him, he goes to ground in the box when he is so far behind the player he has ZERO chance to win the ball. ZERO - he was never even going to get close. Finally, he did this when there were 2-3 other players well positioned to defend Laryea, and these players were all within his field of vision at the time he went to ground.

It was among the dumbest fucking moves I've seen in sports in my lifetime. Completely stupid and the consequences could not have been worse.

Lalas said "wow - this is just a horrible decision" in what was an exceedingly rare case of understatement from Alexi.
Also, on Chanot, the reason Pozuelo got there first is that he had the best positioning to do so. He was as close to where the ball landed as Chanot - or closer - and moving toward it, while Chanot had his back to where it landed. Maxim was never getting there first. His mistake was trying the back header to begin with given Pozuelo's positioning. A bad mistake, but hardly as completely mind blowing as Mata's.
deBLOWsio screwed this city with his make nice policies. all your points and more.. crime is on the rise and he's looking to redistribute violent criminals from rikers into new prisons in the 5 boroughs with plans to reduce incarceration. no.. just no. sure the system ain't perfect.. but i don't want to read about people getting stabbed or robbed at gunpoint a block from my apartment on a weekly basis.
Um, let's not let our displeasure with his stance on the stadium and our general shared distaste for BDB get in the way of the facts. If you read past the headline, crime really isn't historically bad in NYC and it's not rising either. QUOTE: "The uptick in shootings and murders for the year was reported as overall crime rates in the city hover at the lowest levels in decades. NYPD officials counted 71,699 total crimes in the city from Jan. 1 through Oct. 6, down 2.6 percent from 73,608 for the same period in 2018."

Back to our regular programming. We need a freaking stadium!
Also, on Chanot, the reason Pozuelo got there first is that he had the best positioning to do so. He was as close to where the ball landed as Chanot - or closer - and moving toward it, while Chanot had his back to where it landed. Maxim was never getting there first. His mistake was trying the back header to begin with given Pozuelo's positioning. A bad mistake, but hardly as completely mind blowing as Mata's.
One more thing on this. Watching the replay, SJ was flat footed on the header. Not really his fault, but he had as good a shot at it as Chanot did, as it was in front of him. Which is to say that the error was in the execution of the header, which surprised everyone including Pozuelo. He was just closer and maybe a little more on his toes. Chanot's was a physical error. Mata's was a mental error. IMHO the former are always more forgiveable.
I like Chanot but what's saving him is Mata's reputation and the fact that he made the stupid play that killed us. I can't excuse a lazy blind backwards header towards the goalie. He's lucky Mata fucked up because his blunder will be way less scrutinized when it's pretty egregious too. Less but real fucking stupid.
They also deleted the Facebook Live of Dome's postgame interview and have not posted it on any platform as they normally do.

Chickenshit organization we root for.

they just posted isi and ring reactions... no dome reaction. yet

both and isi and ring, visibly distraught. to the point where they almost were angry to have to answer questions.
I'm glad those are the locker room media interviews not the sanitized crap we normally get with only the club person lobbing softballs. But I don't care what Dome said, you have to post his interview. And it has to go up same day. I want to hear what the coach had to say after a game like that.

agree. i hope they don't heavily edit it or something ridiculous like that to avoid fan reactions. i mean... those who watch these reaction videos already know what's goin on. just publish it in full so we can hear it for yourselves instead of these media outlets taking quote snippets to write their headlines.
they just posted isi and ring reactions... no dome reaction. yet

both and isi and ring, visibly distraught. to the point where they almost were angry to have to answer questions.
Ring seemed to confirm that the first half wasn’t a tactics issue. Instead he did indeed seem distraught that his teammates came out and played so poorly in such a big moment.