Vote For The Official Nycfc Forums Flag

Official NYCFC Forums Flag

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Seasoned Supporter

Dan asked me to design a flag for the forums, and I came up with these 4 options. Vote for your favorites and Dan will print the design with the most votes. The actually flag will be 6'x4'. A big sucka that we'll be able to take to the stadium to represent.
Dan asked me to design a flag for the forums, and I came up with these 4 options. Vote for your favorites and Dan will print the design with the most votes. The actually flag will be 6'x4'. A big sucka that we'll be able to take to the stadium to represent.

Nice work man - these are great.
Great job on all of them really.
Bottom left 1, Top right 1A.

Also did anyone inquire with the club about having .com on the flag. I know it sounds silly but the stadium has issues in the past with what they define as "advertising".
Awesome designs .All are great , having a hard time to choose. I like the top left the best for its simplicity because from far away little details/ letters are not going to be seen, however taking a second and third look, I also favor the bottom right because it has included the 5 five boroughs. Everytime I travel outside of NYC, everyone assumes NYC only consist of Manhattan Island.

how long do we have to cast a vote?
Really like the bottom right. The orange needs to be there to distinguish, and represent an actual NY official color. When you're waving the blue alone will not stand out as much. Needs a bright color. Also, it's the first time someone has actually named the boroughs. Makes it stand out.
Nice work. I voted top right , but all are well balanced.
i agree with lostblue about making the forums line a little bigger.
Do I sense that you also favor the bottom right? The more I look at them, I am inclined to that one too, because it includes all borough but ...
how long do we have to cast our vote? I would like to sleep on this until tomorrow to cast my vote
Do I sense that you also favor the bottom right? The more I look at them, I am inclined to that one too, because it includes all borough but ...
how long do we have to cast our vote? I would like to sleep on this until tomorrow to cast my vote

My favorite is actually the bottom left. Length of the poll is up to Dan, I think we should get a solid week of voting in.
Really like the bottom right. The orange needs to be there to distinguish, and represent an actual NY official color. When you're waving the blue alone will not stand out as much. Needs a bright color. Also, it's the first time someone has actually named the boroughs. Makes it stand out.

Thanks Drainyoo for the reply

and to Clear window,I agree with you about the orange color it does make it stand out
I don't know which one I like best, but I do agree with what some have said already, I think there should be at least some orange on it. Also, I reallllly like the pentagon, I think it sets us apart and is meaningful. I think that whatever flag gets chosen, somehow the pentagon can be incorporated into it.
I don't know which one I like best, but I do agree with what some have said already, I think there should be at least some orange on it. Also, I reallllly like the pentagon, I think it sets us apart and is meaningful. I think that whatever flag gets chosen, somehow the pentagon can be incorporated into it.

I can always make some tweaks to the winning design to get in all the elements that everyone feels should be there.