Vote For The Official Nycfc Forums Flag

Official NYCFC Forums Flag

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I truly LOVE all of them but sad that the boroughs were not included and finally the pentagon makes sense in this story.
I truly LOVE all of them but sad that the boroughs were not included and finally the pentagon makes sense in this story.

I tried to get the borough names in there, but it was getting too cluttered. To me the pentagon/token hole represents each borough with its 5 points.
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What do you think about quoting the Beastie Boys from Open Letter to NYC instead?

Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten
From the Battery to the Top of Manhattan

Much respect to the B Boys!!! Love it Volante!

We are going into battle, you know a what battle flag is right?


Take a look at the succesfull bold branding from our neighbors the Brooklyn Nets.

Cleveland+Cavaliers+v+Brooklyn+Nets+QTwf7OCQlhQl.jpg DSC04152.jpg
This is a quality idea with the flags and I've got to say there all very interesting and link in well. I liked the bottom right a lot although there is a lot on there. Id be happy with any! As long as we're supporting NYCFC together