There are two problems here:
1. Suarez has done this three times because he is a complete twunt. He dives consistently because he is a complete twunt. He handballs because he is a complete twunt. He says racist things because he is a twunt. Ladies and gentlemen, he is a twunt, and will continue to be a twunt because not only does he (effectively) get away with it, and not only because it is ingrained into him, but also because ...
2. Those around him (Uruguay International, Liverpool, etc) stand by him, no matter what.
Liverpool wore those stupid t-shirts. There was no comeuppance when after saying he would shake hands, he didn't. Uruguay FA (et al) now put this down to a conspiracy even in the face of damning evidence, to the point that it has become pathetic.
How can one help a man who is being protected and said of, that parts of the World wish to vilify him because of who he is?
FIFA get very little right these days, but if they stick to their guns, they will have at least gained a minuscule amount of respect from me.