World Day Of Remembrance


Seasoned Supporter
Sunday, November 19 at 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST

WORLD DAY OF REMEMBRANCE is observed to remember the millions killed and injured on the World's roads.

Testimony of a grieving mom
"Not long ago, I never would have envisioned myself as a safe streets advocate. But four years ago , my 12-year-old son, Sammy, was on his way to soccer practice when he was killed by a speeding driver. His death was preventable. But with the support of other FSS members and TransAlt, I was able to channel my grief into action. Now more than ever, it’s critical that we raise our voices together and fight for smart policies that save lives."

Public Event · Hosted by Transportation Alternatives and Families For Safe Streets
are group of volunteers advocating for safer streets for bicyclists, pedestrian
Nonprofit Organization local campaigns and fights for pedestrian and cycling improvements; traffic calming, bike lanes. As families who have experienced the tragic loss of a loved one to reckless traffic in NYC we demand a rapid implementation of Vision Zero in NYC and across the borough to make our streets safer for bicyclists and pedestrians

" World Day of Remembrance is this Sunday, will gather at City Hall for a rally at noon. We need you there with us, to stand with survivors of traffic violence, and to tell our elected officials and community leaders that we demand safe streets for everyone."
"But we also know that when we raise our voices together and demand action, we honor the lives of those lost and help prevent the next tragedy. Please join us as we stand together with Families for Safe Streets and dozens of elected officials and community leaders this Sunday for World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. We’re going to rally at City Hall, to honor all those lost to traffic violence in New York, and to demand a safe, sustainable, and equitable city for all bicyclists and pedestrians."
At 11 am, hundreds of us are going to gather on our bikes at designated points throughout the five boroughs and #RideTogether to City Hall. We have asked the Mayor, the Governor, and other prominent elected officials to ride with us.

It’s important that we have a huge turnout if we’re going to accomplish our goals, and to do that, we need you,. We need you there because we need at least 500 people to form a full zero around City Hall. We need you there to show the elected officials in attendance that safety in their City must be their highest priority. And we need you there to tell survivors of traffic violence that they aren’t alone in their grief, in their anger, or in their demand for change.

Tell your representatives that Vision Zero matters. RSVP on our webpage.

Thanks for being in this fight with us.

Caroline Samponaro,
Deputy Director
On November 19th, we will #RideTogether to the #WDoR2017 rally in front of City Hall. Join us for the Manhattan Greenway Solidarity Ride here:
WHAT: World Day of Remembrance
WHEN: Sunday, November 19th from 12 - 1:30 pm
WHERE: City Hall Park
Between Centre Street and Broadway
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