Yankee Game

It's a good idea, especially sitting in LF Bleachers. Maybe find a game that is on an "off day" where attendance is expected to be low, contact the Yankees ticket office and explain you want to get a group set for the reason of helping promote NYC FC, they have a stake in the team and would welcome it.

Also, I am not a fan of doing anything "out of place", just having a group all dressed the same would do enough to promote the club.

If your going to do this, I think those of us who go should be respectful of the Yankee fans. Sing one or two songs during the 7th inning stretch, and return to the game. Wear your shirts, and represent the club with a positive appearance.
If your going to do this, I think those of us who go should be respectful of the Yankee fans. Sing one or two songs during the 7th inning stretch, and return to the game. Wear your shirts, and represent the club with a positive appearance.

100% agree
If your going to do this, I think those of us who go should be respectful of the Yankee fans. Sing one or two songs during the 7th inning stretch, and return to the game. Wear your shirts, and represent the club with a positive appearance.

Only problem with the 7th inning stretch is that's when they play God Bless America
Could try and incorporate what a NYC FC game will be like into things that are Yankees specific, such as sing along to Sinatra's New York, New York, participate in the Bleacher Creature Roll Call....maybe make a Jeter Tifo banner for his last season, even Mets fans respect Jeter.