2016 General Mls Transfer Rumors

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what? why have a lower number transfer fee than you bought him for ( or MLS bought him for )?

Rumor has it he was demanding more money, even after a considerable raise last season, so they agreed to part ways and got what they could for him.
Because he's old now and not the same commodity they bought years ago?

hes 31 not exactly young but not frank lampard old....still got a few years in him i think...plus $5M is not that much especially for those Chinese clubs that are overpaying for everyone this off season.
Tim Cahill back on the market after he and Shanghai Shenhua agree to mutually part. New coach didn;t see Timmy in his plans after just signing contract extension in November. Could wind up back here in MLS
There will be many offers from all over the world for Ibrahimovic, he still has a lot to offer and is a huge marketing tool.
It's down to if he should choose a possible change of lifestyle or if his agent Mino Raiola pushes him towards one last big payday.....for them both.
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Orlando City sign Italian star Antonio Nocerino after trade with DC United


Still unsure how I feel about this. I'm glad to see Nocerino in the league as he's another talented player that'll raise the level of play in MLS (Kaka and Nocerino in the midfield will be one of the tops in the league).

However, not sure what happened exactly behind the closed doors. As much as I don't like the discovery claim rule, rules are rules. If the reports are true and that Orlando interfered with DC's negotiations with the player, the integrity of the Lions organization took a hit and they should be penalized.

My guess is that the allocation money traded for Nocerinos rights was substantial enough to sweep this under the rug.
Still unsure how I feel about this. I'm glad to see Nocerino in the league as he's another talented player that'll raise the level of play in MLS (Kaka and Nocerino in the midfield will be one of the tops in the league).

However, not sure what happened exactly behind the closed doors. As much as I don't like the discovery claim rule, rules are rules. If the reports are true and that Orlando interfered with DC's negotiations with the player, the integrity of the Lions organization took a hit and they should be penalized.

My guess is that the allocation money traded for Nocerinos rights was substantial enough to sweep this under the rug.

I love the signing and think he's a great addition to the league. I'd love to have a tough box to box midfielder like that on our team.

As far as the whole signing situation goes, I have mixed feelings on it. I get the discovery claim mechanism, but think it's crap. I'm ok with something being in place, but something more solid. Seems like a lot of back door tactics. This league is so nontransparent and every rule is bent. It's almost as shady as the government.
Here's an interesting signing off the pitch. Jeff Bradley - brother of Bob and uncle to Michael - has been hired as Director of Communications for Toronto FC. Not sure if any of you follow him on Twitter, but he's a great follow with an interesting story. Jeff was a journalist for many years, including for ESPN the Magazine and as a local beat writer for the Yankees, among others. He was laid off from his last journalism job a few years ago, and has subsisted, in part, by working as a locker room attendant at a country club in NJ. Throughout it all, he remained upbeat and offered terrific insight and perspective on what it's like to struggle in today's tough market for journalism.

Anyway, it seems he has finally landed a great job that is worthy of his talents. It's terrific news.

The "integrity" of Crystal Meth SC already took a hit when their followers made it a recurring habit of assaulting opposite fans.
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