Asking for a friend:
Since you didn't delve into it, does it bother you that the guy you like for economic reasons is mired in multiple business lawsuits and hires the same foreign workers he's campaigning to keep out (it's in today's news re his Florida businesses and getting temp foreign worker visas for maids, cooks, and other hotel workers). What about his xenophobic, racist, bigoted, and misogynistic views and statements?
Your vote is your vote, but stating reasons for liking somebody while ignoring the others won't make them go away.
I could go on and on asking Hillary supporter's about a long list of things that "bother" me. Basically, lot's of things bother me about both candidates, I just happen to be least bothered by Trump.
As for what you mentioned. No, it does not bother me. When you own numerous businesses, you have lawsuits, especially when you are a celebrity and running for President, everyone wants to get a piece. Hillary has as much if not more skeletons in her closet. If you can point to where Trump interviewed and hired foreign workers, or directed his managers to do so, then i'll find interest in that issue. Assuming he was not directly involved in the hiring of illegal workers, I don't care.
What has he ever said that was racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic and false? (He may have said something that fits those categories, I just don't remember any of the quotes, except for the Rosie stuff, which was more of a feud than misogynistic) If you are referring to his launch speech with the Mexican stuff.....well, technically it was all correct, ask people along the southern border. He should have been much more PC about it and not tried to imply that it was pretty much all Mexicans, but ask people along the border if they want better security. Bottomline is that (some of the) Mexicans are bringing drugs, crime, rape etc. over the border.
I would be more comfortable with Trump if he was less built on anger and acted more "Presidential", but it is what it is.
I'm not the guy going out with Trump stickers and signs, or posting about him on facebook, or donating money, so i'm not incredibly invested in this election. I find the whole saga interesting, like I do sports and I like to discuss it. However, now that Bernie is out and our country is saved from the devastation that populism and socialism deliver, i'm not going to be heartbroken at the end of the day. The result of the election will have only slightly more impact on my emotions than an NYCFC win or loss.