2017 Forum H2H League & Pigeon Cup

If we did 3 divisions: High priced, Entry Priced and Free. What would you like to pay?

  • $100 - high priced

  • $75 - high priced

  • $50 - high priced

  • $25 - entry priced

  • $20 - entry priced

  • Free - lower division

Results are only viewable after voting.
And I'm just here thinking I would have won it all if I made one or two smarter choices in the semifinals. Next year is my year! Thanks for a great cup everyone.

Maybe we raise the entry fee as well...but that's a discussion for another time.

Rimil I suggest scarves as a great way to spend your winnings.
Wait, this is still going on? Damnit. I told y'all I wanted to do the Cup thing.

But to everyone who didn't remind me, thanks. I'm out for next year btw.

I literally hate fantasy soccer in this format. It's not a good game, frankly.

(I don't mean the cup. I just mean in general. It doesn't work.)
Wait, this is still going on? Damnit. I told y'all I wanted to do the Cup thing.

But to everyone who didn't remind me, thanks. I'm out for next year btw.

I literally hate fantasy soccer in this format. It's not a good game, frankly.

(I don't mean the cup. I just mean in general. It doesn't work.)
I had Angela post all the announcements about the Pigeon Cup just to make sure you didn't see them.
Wait, this is still going on? Damnit. I told y'all I wanted to do the Cup thing.

But to everyone who didn't remind me, thanks. I'm out for next year btw.

I literally hate fantasy soccer in this format. It's not a good game, frankly.

(I don't mean the cup. I just mean in general. It doesn't work.)
If you are in the Elite league, you did the cup thing, you just didn't win. :D

Not sure what your team name was, cup updates start on page 15 or 16.
Wait, this is still going on? Damnit. I told y'all I wanted to do the Cup thing.

But to everyone who didn't remind me, thanks. I'm out for next year btw.

I literally hate fantasy soccer in this format. It's not a good game, frankly.

(I don't mean the cup. I just mean in general. It doesn't work.)
you gotta get with it and act like you want it
Wait, this is still going on? Damnit. I told y'all I wanted to do the Cup thing.

But to everyone who didn't remind me, thanks. I'm out for next year btw.

I literally hate fantasy soccer in this format. It's not a good game, frankly.

(I don't mean the cup. I just mean in general. It doesn't work.)
you organize it next year then
I hope they go back to the old transfer rules next year. I'm used to the every week wildcard, but I don't like it. It takes away a significant amount of strategy and planning, which are the things I enjoy. Maybe 3 transfers a week, rather than two, but unlimited every week is less fun (for me, at least).
I hope they go back to the old transfer rules next year. I'm used to the every week wildcard, but I don't like it. It takes away a significant amount of strategy and planning, which are the things I enjoy. Maybe 3 transfers a week, rather than two, but unlimited every week is less fun (for me, at least).
yea i agree with this. Even though fantasy soccer kinda sucks to begin with, I much rather the transfer limit so you don't have the luxury of picking the dream team every week
The pricing is totally out of whack too. At this point in the season I don't have to choose between studs and value players. With $115M for 15 total slots and 11 starters I can put studs in every position. Its never been that way before.
The pricing is totally out of whack too. At this point in the season I don't have to choose between studs and value players. With $115M for 15 total slots and 11 starters I can put studs in every position. Its never been that way before.
Think about it - 1) you're picking the best players with the best matchups every week 2) you're able to load up on good double game week players every time you can doubling the # of increase opportunities, and 3) you're very good at #s 1 & 2.

So your opportunity to gain payroll is much bigger than in the past.
Think about it - 1) you're picking the best players with the best matchups every week 2) you're able to load up on good double game week players every time you can doubling the # of increase opportunities, and 3) you're very good at #s 1 & 2.

So your opportunity to gain payroll is much bigger than in the past.
I found the price moves to be the oddest thing. Sometime a good performance bumped my players up; sometime an equivalent performance didn't. There didn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to it as far as my little brain could tell. My favorite thing though is the treatment of bench players. Early on you would put 4.0 (the min at the time) just so you could load up on studs for your starters. God forbid one of your bench players gets subed on in the 7oth min. They score 1 pt cause then they'd lose value. They are doing their job and you get dinged for it. You want to load up on studs, but you also want some coverage from a cheap bench that might play in case you get blindsided by a coach resting a player. You were better off putting in the cheapest guys with no chance of playing, it saved you from the deductions.

Now 25+ weeks in, you got these low 3 priced midfielders/defenders who are great bench players cause they cost nothing, but you can count on them to maybe see some time if your blindsided be rest/illness, all because they kept getting dinged through the season. If you avoided them early and played the right guys, you basically can play any 11 starters you want (with maybe 1 or 2 subprime players in some position), and like what was said before on DGW everyone just loads up on the stars in those games, very little variety. There is no reason to not have all 11 DGW guys when 4 teams have doubles. The differentiation becomes stupid things like i have cb1 and you have cb2 one of those will play both games the other will rest once or be subbed at halftime and miss a cleansheet. How in the effin world can you prep for coach resting a player without being in the dressing room.
I found the price moves to be the oddest thing. Sometime a good performance bumped my players up; sometime an equivalent performance didn't. There didn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to it as far as my little brain could tell. My favorite thing though is the treatment of bench players. Early on you would put 4.0 (the min at the time) just so you could load up on studs for your starters. God forbid one of your bench players gets subed on in the 7oth min. They score 1 pt cause then they'd lose value. They are doing their job and you get dinged for it. You want to load up on studs, but you also want some coverage from a cheap bench that might play in case you get blindsided by a coach resting a player. You were better off putting in the cheapest guys with no chance of playing, it saved you from the deductions.

Now 25+ weeks in, you got these low 3 priced midfielders/defenders who are great bench players cause they cost nothing, but you can count on them to maybe see some time if your blindsided be rest/illness, all because they kept getting dinged through the season. If you avoided them early and played the right guys, you basically can play any 11 starters you want (with maybe 1 or 2 subprime players in some position), and like what was said before on DGW everyone just loads up on the stars in those games, very little variety. There is no reason to not have all 11 DGW guys when 4 teams have doubles. The differentiation becomes stupid things like i have cb1 and you have cb2 one of those will play both games the other will rest once or be subbed at halftime and miss a cleansheet. How in the effin world can you prep for coach resting a player without being in the dressing room.
That's why I think it would be cool if they implemented some kind of demand-driven price system. I'm not exactly sure how it would work, but the more players were added to certain teams, the higher their prices would go up.

In this scenario, bench players or others that don't score very high and start with low prices, their prices increase as owners pick them up to stash on their benches to free up cash elsewhere. Example: Julian Gressel had an insanely low starting price which has gone up a bit. But his score/price ratio is very high, so many owners have picked him up. But in this scenario, his price would be much higher for an owner who was late to the game in adding him to his roster.

I'm sure there are quite a few kinks that would need to get figured out in the above layout, but I think it would be pretty cool and would result in less teams having the same players on their roster.
I confess that I have enjoyed the new system, possibly more than the previous. I don't disagree that it eliminates the advantages of planning for limited game weeks, double game weeks, etc. But, I spend about 20% as much time on the game as I did before. I'm also performing at about the same level as I did in the old version compared to others in the leagues I'm in and overall. Putting aside H2H matchups which are kind of random, my point totals each of the last 3 years consistently have me in the top 10-30% or so but not really competing with the very top scorers. So whether or not I have to do all that extra planning work I basically do the same, and I'd rather not need to make color coded charts planning on moves 5-6 weeks away just t get the same results.
That's why I think it would be cool if they implemented some kind of demand-driven price system. I'm not exactly sure how it would work, but the more players were added to certain teams, the higher their prices would go up.

In this scenario, bench players or others that don't score very high and start with low prices, their prices increase as owners pick them up to stash on their benches to free up cash elsewhere. Example: Julian Gressel had an insanely low starting price which has gone up a bit. But his score/price ratio is very high, so many owners have picked him up. But in this scenario, his price would be much higher for an owner who was late to the game in adding him to his roster.

I'm sure there are quite a few kinks that would need to get figured out in the above layout, but I think it would be pretty cool and would result in less teams having the same players on their roster.

Thats how it worked the first year I did this but that was a screwy system too. I quickly figured out that if you made your transfers Monday morning and picked who everyone else was going to pick later in the week you would get the +.2. When you transferred players out of your team you would only keep half the increase in value, so the cash available would be +.1. The current system works pretty well, except team values should have started at $90M or $95M to make it more challenging or go back to the "transfer fee" concept where you only get half the increase in value while you have a player after you release him.
That's why I think it would be cool if they implemented some kind of demand-driven price system. I'm not exactly sure how it would work, but the more players were added to certain teams, the higher their prices would go up.
Thats how it worked the first year I did this but that was a screwy system too. I quickly figured out that if you made your transfers Monday morning and picked who everyone else was going to pick later in the week you would get the +.2. When you transferred players out of your team you would only keep half the increase in value, so the cash available would be +.1. The current system works pretty well, except team values should have started at $90M or $95M to make it more challenging or go back to the "transfer fee" concept where you only get half the increase in value while you have a player after you release him.

This is how the EPL fantasy game works. Its demand driven and players pop/drop as people pickup and offload relative to prior ownership capped at .3 per week. Like if if 100k people buy aguero on monday its not gonna move the needle much cause he's already highly owned, but if 100k people buy walcott he might pop .1, and the same for tues and wed but not thurs cause he hit the .3 cap. Conversely if everyone dropped aguero monday he'd go down .1, then there is no one to sell him tues and he'd stop. However that doesn't happen, high ownership guys bleed owners if they have something like a season ending injury, so the game freezes injured players, it basically protects people taking a gamble on the severity of the injury (and i suppose inattentive owners who skip out for a month). No one wants to keep loosing the full .3 every week, but I'd say that's the owners fault, i'd remove that function and let them come back to a 1.0 aguero on their team that used to cost 12.0.

I like this system cause it rewards attentiveness, but it too forces people to go with the trends to make the money. I would go for a blend. If you had the player on your team and they do something good, up his price. Then if people pile in, up it some more. If he does something bad, drop his price, your fault for having a bad guy, don't reward you for selling first and starting a selloff trend.

And I am for moving prices aggressively but also for scalping some of the profit, makes you think about the value of dropping a guy you had great foresight in owning. If you have a 5.0 mid playing and priced at 10.0 value you should have an advantage for having the foresight to own him early, but if you want to sell him you should only get 7.5 back. That way when you are loyal to the player you benefit for having an exclusive price, but when you lose your loyalty you pay market price to get him back.