2017 Forum H2H League & Pigeon Cup

If we did 3 divisions: High priced, Entry Priced and Free. What would you like to pay?

  • $100 - high priced

  • $75 - high priced

  • $50 - high priced

  • $25 - entry priced

  • $20 - entry priced

  • Free - lower division

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Empire State Building
Chrysler Building

Descending in height of the towers

Solid idea too. With two buildings being the money leagues. I like 'Central Park' for free league because its open for everyone.
We could also do it based on the seating categories at Yankee Stadium for NYCFC...

A bit late to the thread, but I'd be up for it and happy to play at any of the discussed entry fee levels.
A bit late to the thread, but I'd be up for it and happy to play at any of the discussed entry fee levels.

It's not even close to too late. Unless the leagues fill up, we'll be taking submissions till the last possible moment. and the MLS website hasn't even opened their fantasy leagues yet to allow us to create them.

Ugghh, after last year I told myself I wouldn't play Fantasy MLS because the gameweek schedule is too annoying to deal with, but my resolve may be slipping...
Unlimited transfers? First thought is I can spend a lot less time on this. Planning moves weeks in advance to deal with DGWs and bye weeks was where most of the work was. Second thought is luck is probably even more relevant than before.
Just got to a computer. I'll try to set up shortly.

Not a fan of unlimited transfers. Takes some of the skill out of the game in an attempt to attract the DFSers. They should have made it an option to turn on or off when you set up a league.