2019 Offseason Thread

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not sure how meaningful this will be as I suspect it will be 95% just a big clump every year around the date the club makes decisions on roster releases. I think my next step will be to add a part two of the chart with during season signings.
That's kinda what makes me curious, though. You can see the trend of players released on roster decision day vs players who leave during the winter or rest of season. (obviously that trend is "the player was bad", but we can also see more clearly what signings are regarded as "temporary" i.e. struna, amagat, vs who was just "bad")
A couple more grey boxes so I figured I'd post an update.

Also, I know how this place loves more fodder for pessimism ...


I'm definitely not asking you to do this, but I'm curious as to what other clubs' similar timelines look like for their signings.

As of now, there are only 22 signings/loanees-in from outside the league (not counting USL, Superdraft, or Homegrown) league-wide. I know there are some additional ones that sounds like they are all but done (Martinez in Atlanta, and Frankowski in Chicago), but that number isn't very high. Most of the league activity so far has just been shuffling players between teams within MLS.
Maybe the Sheikh stops by practice and notices David Villa isn't in training. He goes over to Khaldoon and Reyna who are having a conversation...

Sheikh: Where is David Villa? I finally get to meet the World Cup winner.
Reyna: He's in Japan?
Sheikh: For more vacation because he's the best player?.
Khaldoon: No, we didn't renew Villa's contract and he's playing with Iniesta in Japan.
Sheikh: Oh my. Well, I'll just buy that team. Rebrand them "XZY" City. Problem Solved.

Okay. In response to many suggestions/comments I've done some work on this.

First, for posterity, below is a full reckoning going back to 2014. Understand that the intent of this is to get a sense of the progression of different points in the season. It's kind of like an enthusiasm scale. So when lots of players are signed at the same time (e.g., expansion draft), I just stacked them up, even though that pushes them well past the date they were signed.

Unfortunately, this makes the whole thing look really misleading by comparison when 2014 and 2015 are included with later years.

So below the full history chart I have included a chart that is just 2016 through today. This will be the one I continue to update. I've eliminated the subjective "high priced player" shading and now only designate DPs with the green color. I welcome any other suggestions for what to demarcate.



And the cleaner version with just 2016-2019:


And the cleaner version with just 2016-2019:

So far, we're on the 2016 signing schedule, except in 2016 there was no open DP slot to fill. We're also not that far behind the 2017 pace. The main difference to date is our draft picks in 2016 and 2017 created excitement to allay some of the anxiety over lack of activity.

Hard to say whether these signing dates have any effect on a good/bad start. Our best start coincided with our earliest signing class in 2018, but the big cluster of signings came the latest in 2017, yet 2016 was the team's worst start (1 win in 8 games).
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Okay. In response to many suggestions/comments I've done some work on this.

First, for posterity, below is a full reckoning going back to 2014. Understand that the intent of this is to get a sense of the progression of different points in the season. It's kind of like an enthusiasm scale. So when lots of players are signed at the same time (e.g., expansion draft), I just stacked them up, even though that pushes them well past the date they were signed.

Unfortunately, this makes the whole thing look really misleading by comparison when 2014 and 2015 are included with later years.

So below the full history chart I have included a chart that is just 2016 through today. This will be the one I continue to update. I've eliminated the subjective "high priced player" shading and now only designate DPs with the green color. I welcome any other suggestions for what to demarcate.



And the cleaner version with just 2016-2019:



Awuah and Caldwell should be yellow as SuperDraft picks. So should Rawls, but he was drafted in 2015 but only signed to NYCFC in 2016.
Okay. In response to many suggestions/comments I've done some work on this.

First, for posterity, below is a full reckoning going back to 2014. Understand that the intent of this is to get a sense of the progression of different points in the season. It's kind of like an enthusiasm scale. So when lots of players are signed at the same time (e.g., expansion draft), I just stacked them up, even though that pushes them well past the date they were signed.

Unfortunately, this makes the whole thing look really misleading by comparison when 2014 and 2015 are included with later years.

So below the full history chart I have included a chart that is just 2016 through today. This will be the one I continue to update. I've eliminated the subjective "high priced player" shading and now only designate DPs with the green color. I welcome any other suggestions for what to demarcate.



And the cleaner version with just 2016-2019:



Did Lampard sign with NYCFC in November 2014? You sure about that?
I know, but it's fun watching people freak out on Twitter. ATL fans are not happy. The Almiron deal is dragging out and this guy isn't signed yet. So when he shows up in NYC...

but they have to bring down their asking price for almiron. 30million ( from what i read on twitter) ??? newcastle is not paying that
I know, but it's fun watching people freak out on Twitter. ATL fans are not happy. The Almiron deal is dragging out and this guy isn't signed yet. So when he shows up in NYC...
ATL fans can go suck a dick, but we already knew that.
I was just wondering why you wrote "?!?!?!" in that case
If Atlanta is counting on Newcastle to actually pay for Almiron, they’re fucking stupid. They better have a loan partner lined up. Ashley is trying to sell the club and they are about £100 million apart on the terms. Window is closed in two weeks.

Maybe we can take him on loan...
Maybe they loan us either Pity or Miguel. But then that would involve the club spending money on their salary.
He's probably at the league office doing paperwork and sight seeing before reporting to ATL.
Must be nice. ATL has their next DP lined up before even getting rid of one and we just...welp.