Expansion Rumors Megathread

An interesting article about the miami bid. (Its a pretty long read)

Not sure how much respect I have for that article. As I've seen pointed out elsewhere, the owner/editor of that mag is the son of the guy running an NASL club. Everyone has denied what was said.
What really made me question it was the Heineman quotes. Does anyone really believe he would say something so inflammatory around someone who just introduced himself to him as a reporter? If he did actually say those words, then I would imagine they were taken extremely out of context.
Other than that, it was an interesting read, but I think it's clear that the author had an agenda. I believe his meeting with Claure most likely did not go as well as he wrote it and Claure most likely sensed that this guy had some type of agenda and choose not to continue the relationship.


“When you have the right stadium plan in the right environment, we have success, and we don’t have that yet,” Garber said at halftime of Fox broadcast of the San Jose Earthquakes-Chicago Fire game.

“David and his partners are doing a great job trying to get it done. We’ll be there in the next couple of weeks. Hope to be able to get something done.”
lol damn, so not so promising, though with marlins i think its because fans are pissed at their FO for selling all players and not trying to get better.
Yeah, put of the plan being pitch for that stadium is build a new stop there on there City's light right system.
I hope this is true. That logo is so sexy.
It is a nice logo. Their kits are pretty awesome too. I like the whole slate grey look for them.

I wonder if they are going to build an indoor stadium, if not it could be brutal at the start and end of the season.