Food Porn


Staff member
Seasoned Supporter
Post pictures of food you are eating... Please prior to you stuffing your face.
ONLY food that's yours, not stuff you find online.
Me and my friends often send pictures to each other when we are eating something delicious.
Starbucks and Pizza/Cheese Steak
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@BlueWolf you make those bacon cups with that thing they sell on tv??

No. Although I know what you mean, but I think they only sell them in the States. I use one of those cupcake pans; stick a bit of lard on the bottom, get that heated up, throw on a cut out piece of white bread, bacon around the outside, chopped mushrooms onto the bread and break an egg into it on top.
Whack it in the oven, and wait until the egg is done.
No. Although I know what you mean, but I think they only sell them in the States. I use one of those cupcake pans; stick a bit of lard on the bottom, get that heated up, throw on a cut out piece of white bread, bacon around the outside, chopped mushrooms onto the bread and break an egg into it on top.
Whack it in the oven, and wait until the egg is done.

I may have to try that. I see those other things on late night infomercials here in the states.