Well hang on there just a darn second! Well, OK, some of your comments are valid. I do agree on the temperature a little, could be hotter for sure. And the staff? Well, perhaps it's not a fine dining experience. The stores they had were definitely much better and I definitely miss the one on 3rd Avenue.
But I, too, ate there early on Saturday and my experience was totally different. The bread was totally fresh, the Whiz drizzled over everything just right, and far too many onions. The onions at the stores were chopped much finer and not so many. At the stadium they're larger pieces and in my experience a lot of them. In fact, I've ended up picking out a lot of them the past few times I've had one.
So I can't really explain what happened with yours but my cheesesteak this past Saturday was actually better than usual as it had a bit of extra Cheez Whiz on it. Not saying you must love Carl's but I have to think it's better than a single star.
I've said a couple of times on here that pretty much the one thing I'll miss most when we get our own stadium will be Carl's Steaks. Guess I'll have to make the trip down to Philly when we play them once that happens.