Frank Lampard Thread

Tom, this thread will never die. Muahahahahahaha!

Its not even about Frank, its just manchester fans talking amongst themselves.

@NYCFC_Dan Send this crap to debate desk or give us a mute thread option.
Its not even about Frank, its just manchester fans talking amongst themselves.

@NYCFC_Dan Send this crap to debate desk or give us a mute thread option.
The debate was is there any point in frank staying at city if they were going to finish top four.
The debate about finishing 2nd or 4 followed on from that,it was debated that city would loose at least £5m if they dropped to fourth.
So it has a big baring on weather frank stays on or comes early,
Hence why its in the lampard thread
There is always a mute option. Dont open the thread. Temper tantrums don't get anyone anywhere.

Conversations ebb and flow and the larger picture gets discussed

Some of the trolling on this thread is about 3rd grade level.
As he is not a member of this team and this discussion is mostly MCFC related this has been moved to Other Leagues.
Just for clarification then are the likes of Tony Taylor etc that haven't yet made the pitch yet players or spectators. I've seen the team once as well in the UK so am I an international player then ?
Only joking but god this threads random
This is ridiculous. Lampard is in fact a member of NYCFC.

View attachment 2310

He's our player, every bit as much as Gerrard is an LA Galaxy player.
You have 12 posts and almost all in this thread. If you want to talk about him so much why does it matter where the post is? There is nothing constructive said here that hasn't been repeated 10 times over already. Does not belong under team NEWS and RUMORS. If anything it should be under supporter discussion but even there it's just a circular argument and adds no value to the forum.
You have 12 posts and almost all in this thread. If you want to talk about him so much why does it matter where the post is? There is nothing constructive said here that hasn't been repeated 10 times over already. Does not belong under team NEWS and RUMORS. If anything it should be under supporter discussion but even there it's just a circular argument and adds no value to the forum.

Placing aside the contradiction of asking rhetorically "what does it matter where the post is?" while having moved the thread, there is something very wrong with the mods of this fan board deciding that discussion about the team's -- and the league's -- most important player is somehow not germane to the forum about the team itself.

Frank Lampard is a valuable asset for this club. We as fans who want to promote and support the club have to understand this. When I wear my gear and get questions from people about the team, the first thing I mention is Lampard. The fact that he is coming puts NYCFC on the map for so many people. The small delay of his arrival in no way diminishes this.

I understand that the point of the internet is, to some extent, to give people a place to complain. But there really is nothing to complain about here. Lampard will be on the field for NYCFC soon enough. The mis-step on management's part (not announcing him as a summer arrival in the first place) is a minor detail, a footnote that really has no bearing on the utter coolness of this player joining this club in its first year.
Just for clarification then are the likes of Tony Taylor etc that haven't yet made the pitch yet players or spectators.
That's one of the dumbest statements made so far on this forum.
He's not with the team. He's playing for another team. He's not part of our team. If you want to compare that to a player that hasn't played yet and is sitting on the bench but practicing with the team then I simply can't take anything you say seriously.
This thread is pointless and is driven by you and other who join here for the sole purpose of pushing people's buttons. How you still find substance in this topic blows my mind.
Placing aside the contradiction of asking rhetorically "what does it matter where the post is?" while having moved the thread, there is something very wrong with the mods of this fan board deciding that discussion about the team's -- and the league's -- most important player is somehow not germane to the forum about the team itself.

Frank Lampard is a valuable asset for this club. We as fans who want to promote and support the club have to understand this. When I wear my gear and get questions from people about the team, the first thing I mention is Lampard. The fact that he is coming puts NYCFC on the map for so many people. The small delay of his arrival in no way diminishes this.

I understand that the point of the internet is, to some extent, to give people a place to complain. But there really is nothing to complain about here. Lampard will be on the field for NYCFC soon enough. The mis-step on management's part (not announcing him as a summer arrival in the first place) is a minor detail, a footnote that really has no bearing on the utter coolness of this player joining this club in its first year.
You need not stay here.
When the majority of my members who actually post elsewhere but his thread alone tell me it's pojntless and fueling trolls then I will make the decision to move it wherever I feel it belongs.
And if your goal is for people to embrace frank then continuing to fuel these discussions is in no way shape or form going to help that. 50+ pages of nonsense prove that.
That's one of the dumbest statements made so far on this forum.
He's not with the team. He's playing for another team. He's not part of our team. If you want to compare that to a player that hasn't played yet and is sitting on the bench but practicing with the team then I simply can't take anything you say seriously.
This thread is pointless and is driven by you and other who join here for the sole purpose of pushing people's buttons. How you still find substance in this topic blows my mind.
The post was made tongue in cheek as it clearly says in my post in response to a post from a poster who claimed to be a player after going to watch one match.
So I didn't get everything, as it seems some things were blocked but this to me was definitely a NYCFC thread discussing at this point the relevant news of NYCFC possibly getting Lampard back early. Part of that discussion obviously is Man City's willingness to do the deal, hence the conversation about City.

So I think this a NYCFC thread.
Attending games does not make you an NYCFC player. Having a signed contract to play does. Therefore, Lampard is our player.
So I didn't get everything, as it seems some things were blocked but this to me was definitely a NYCFC thread discussing at this point the relevant news of NYCFC possibly getting Lampard back early. Part of that discussion obviously is Man City's willingness to do the deal, hence the conversation about City.

So I think this a NYCFC thread.
That is exactly the point we were debating ,but apperntly its either pointless or seen as trolling