Recent casting call for the show has called for a characters similar (not named, left vague) to Euron, Randyl Tarly, Dickon Tarly, Izembaro, Septon Maribald (or Elder Brother), a Khal, and seemingly younger boys for Bran flashbacks.
I take this to mean we'll get some Euron/Tarly fights in the Reach, Arya joining the mummer's troupe, someone's journey through the Riverlands (please make it Jaime) -- where he can stumble upon a certain Gravedigger, Dany's interaction from the end of ADWD, and finally Bran's flashbacks that will set the tone for revealing (hopefully) Jon' parentage.
While the show has strayed, I think this sets up Sandor's return, which will probably happen in the books, Dany's military growth, which she'll need, and more backstory/history on the Old Gods and the power of the weirwoods. GRRM has mentioned that we'd see the Reach, though I'm entirely sure through whose eyes we will, but I'm guessing Euron will take it from the Tyrells, with everything in disarray.
I take this to mean we'll get some Euron/Tarly fights in the Reach, Arya joining the mummer's troupe, someone's journey through the Riverlands (please make it Jaime) -- where he can stumble upon a certain Gravedigger, Dany's interaction from the end of ADWD, and finally Bran's flashbacks that will set the tone for revealing (hopefully) Jon' parentage.
While the show has strayed, I think this sets up Sandor's return, which will probably happen in the books, Dany's military growth, which she'll need, and more backstory/history on the Old Gods and the power of the weirwoods. GRRM has mentioned that we'd see the Reach, though I'm entirely sure through whose eyes we will, but I'm guessing Euron will take it from the Tyrells, with everything in disarray.