Game Of Thrones (spoilers)

I think we can all agree that no leaks or anything like that should go here, right? None. At all. :)
Definitely no leaks or spoilers before an episode has aired. I know not everyone can watch an episode as appointment viewing right when it airs but then stay off the board until you have watched it is my thinking.

Do we think Dani is going to go full mad queen? The final conflict will be Dani vs Jon? Or a three way conflict?

How did Bronn just get in there so easily? I kind of lost a lot of my affection for him here. I know he's a merc but mercs can still have friends and I think the Lannister brothers has become that to him at this point. There's roguish charm like Han Solo and then there's just being a dick and I think he crossed the line here.

Because Fandoms tend to be harsh on female characters I expect Sansa to get a lot more hate for her actions this episode than Bronn. I actually don't have a problem with her telling Tyrion. From Sansa's POV Dani completely disregarded advice about allowing their forced time to recuperate before launching the attack on Kings' landing. I don't think she was calling for the North to withdraw their forced from the alliance all together just cautioning patience and I can see how Dani would appear callous and power mad from her perspective.
How did Bronn just get in there so easily? I kind of lost a lot of my affection for him here. I know he's a merc but mercs can still have friends and I think the Lannister brothers has become that to him at this point. There's roguish charm like Han Solo and then there's just being a dick and I think he crossed the line here.
100 to all of this.
Because Fandoms tend to be harsh on female characters I expect Sansa to get a lot more hate for her actions this episode than Bronn.
Sansa (with nods to Varys and Tyrion) is arguably the only stable, non-evil, non-stupid character left on the show.

What annoyed me about that exchange/ambush was that:

1. If it took Dany time to see the ships while flying forward, then they were out of view, and if previously out of view how could the scorpion bolts have an angle of attack?
If the dragons are that high in the sky I'm sure they could angle the shots over the ridge that was blocking the ships. They had some time to practice with Dany and the Northerners focused on the Night King.
2. How were the gunners so damn accurate from different anchored ships, against a flying target, at range, with air resistance?
Who says the ships were anchored? They turn the corner and there are numerous ships sailing with decent speed.
3. How the Fck did they reload so fast?
Numerous ships have the scorpion gun attached to the front of it, presumably 8-10 ships have the scorpion at the front, maybe even more.
4. These are scorpions, not 5inch guns, so how could they aim horizontally across the water and hit the Targaryen ships broadside so perfectly. Again, distance, moving targets, air resistance, gravity- would have to add angle/elevation to the shot. Even the modern navy had to take those variables in to account when firing, and these are medieval sailors - it’s TV and fantasy, but a little bit of physics is still in play.
True, but if you notice during the scene of Tyrion running around the ship there are numerous bolts flying by presumably hitting numerous other ships, as well as different heights/parts of the ship Tyrion is on. First shot they had some time to line up, the later shots are just lock and load.
These scorpions/bolts are designed to pierce full grown dragon skulls, they aren't being fired at low speeds.

I'm not doing this as a means to fight against your points, but just provide counterpoints that the actions weren't totally fantastical and do have reasonability to them.
The jetpacking in this episode was the only negative I got from it. Makes me wish they had more time to expand upon the timeline of events. What really has been a seasons worth of travel/dialogue is done in 4 minutes.

Good storyline to lead up to the fight. I also enjoyed that I was able to see everything that happened this episode.
It’s not relevant to the plot. But I really enjoyed the Hound-Sansa exchange this episode. As much as he’s an ‘I don’t give a fuck about anything’ type of character, he has a soft side and really would have died to protect Sansa if she left Kings Landing with him (even if he would have rationalized helping her as just getting a ransom, so he doesn’t have to admit he’s a softie). And Sansa’s response was perfect “Then I’d still be a little bird”.

And now Arya and the Hound ride again!
If the dragons are that high in the sky I'm sure they could angle the shots over the ridge that was blocking the ships. They had some time to practice with Dany and the Northerners focused on the Night King.

Who says the ships were anchored? They turn the corner and there are numerous ships sailing with decent speed.

Numerous ships have the scorpion gun attached to the front of it, presumably 8-10 ships have the scorpion at the front, maybe even more.

True, but if you notice during the scene of Tyrion running around the ship there are numerous bolts flying by presumably hitting numerous other ships, as well as different heights/parts of the ship Tyrion is on. First shot they had some time to line up, the later shots are just lock and load.
These scorpions/bolts are designed to pierce full grown dragon skulls, they aren't being fired at low speeds.
View attachment 9766

I'm not doing this as a means to fight against your points, but just provide counterpoints that the actions weren't totally fantastical and do have reasonability to them.

If ships aren’t anchored it’s even HARDER to aim. Ships bob up and down in the water, even in a protected cove. And especially at speed with other ships about creating their own wakes.
Found this still as well, looks to be 11 ships in Euron's fleet that attacked Dany and her ships.

As adam mentioned, it would be more difficult to fire/aim a weapon if the ship is moving/sailing vs. being anchored. I'm going to presume that due to Dany not foreseeing any immediate threat, the dragons were hovering/soaring/flying at a traceable rate and pattern through the sky. Maybe they were aiming at Drogon and ended up taking out Rhaegal due to unforeseen wind gusts?
Guys we saw a handful of main characters fight against an endless horde and not die in the last episode. For over 30 minutes they stood in one spot inside the walls and didn’t get overrun. Including Samwell fucking Tarley.
I get the need to analyze and scrutinize minute details but it’s a fantasy story and things happen because they have to happen for the story to advance not because a perfect set of circumstances triggered it.
They’re tearing Danni down to justify her not ending up on the throne. That’s the only thing I could think of. I think she destroys Kings Landing and sees herself as the mad queen and abdicates the throne to Jon.
I’ll be disappointed if it’s not her or Jon on it.
Clegane is going to kill Gregor but I’m not sure about Arya. I don’t see it being so simple as her killing Cersei.

As for future spoilers I think everyone here is in agreement that it’s a big no.
My predictions:
- Dany takes out Cersei
- Arya takes out Dany
- Jon (rightfully) on the throne
Found this still as well, looks to be 11 ships in Euron's fleet that attacked Dany and her ships.
View attachment 9767

As adam mentioned, it would be more difficult to fire/aim a weapon if the ship is moving/sailing vs. being anchored. I'm going to presume that due to Dany not foreseeing any immediate threat, the dragons were hovering/soaring/flying at a traceable rate and pattern through the sky. Maybe they were aiming at Drogon and ended up taking out Rhaegal due to unforeseen wind gusts?

Look at the foam on the hulls and the sails are full, those ships are in motion.
Arya and the faces- are they going to do something with that? I mean, they really have to at this point no??? They kept hyping it up and then used it a total of like two times.