Game Of Thrones (spoilers)

If the dragons are that high in the sky I'm sure they could angle the shots over the ridge that was blocking the ships. They had some time to practice with Dany and the Northerners focused on the Night King.

Who says the ships were anchored? They turn the corner and there are numerous ships sailing with decent speed.

Numerous ships have the scorpion gun attached to the front of it, presumably 8-10 ships have the scorpion at the front, maybe even more.

True, but if you notice during the scene of Tyrion running around the ship there are numerous bolts flying by presumably hitting numerous other ships, as well as different heights/parts of the ship Tyrion is on. First shot they had some time to line up, the later shots are just lock and load.
These scorpions/bolts are designed to pierce full grown dragon skulls, they aren't being fired at low speeds.
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I'm not doing this as a means to fight against your points, but just provide counterpoints that the actions weren't totally fantastical and do have reasonability to them.
What exactly were they practicing against to simulate a dragon flying? Firing giant bolts at a raven? No amount of practice would have prepared them to take the flying dragon out with the first and second shot. Those were kill shots from a guy sitting in a bucket seat being assisted by multiple sailors rotating/elevating the scorpion, and acting in unison to be able to lead a flying target at distance; a team of five won’t get that right.

If the dragons are that high, then sure, the Iron Born could shoot over BUT then it’d be super easy for the dragons/Danearys to have seen the ships sailing with white water trails behind them. Works both ways.

The hit rates were non-stop, and a weapon that big, firing bolts that large and powerful will require a huge amount of kinetic energy (via the tensioned bow/string) so the time to lock the mechanism back in a firing position is more complicated and time consuming than simply drawing a bow string back. Even with 8-10 boats at the front firing a volley, it’d have been a dead period between that and the next, and yet there wasn’t one.
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Thought last nights episode was a million times better than last weeks. Great setup for whats to come in the next episode. Just hoping they dont botch another battle.

EDIT: my biggest issue with the episode: JON, JUST PET THAT DAMN DOG!
Ghost looked so depressed... sliced up and battered, just wanted some Alpha love, and yet the pup was cast off to roam free up North when brought up as a domesticated wolf. Harsh.
Either that, or the greatest marketing ploy/product placement ever.
I really can't decide among three possibilities which i smore likely
  • somehow everyone involved in production failed to notice while regular viewers caught it immediately (not me though - I had no idea)
  • production caught it after photography was concluded and said "WTF, leave it in, maybe no one will notice," and
  • bizarro product placement
It’s not relevant to the plot. But I really enjoyed the Hound-Sansa exchange this episode. As much as he’s an ‘I don’t give a fuck about anything’ type of character, he has a soft side and really would have died to protect Sansa if she left Kings Landing with him (even if he would have rationalized helping her as just getting a ransom, so he doesn’t have to admit he’s a softie). And Sansa’s response was perfect “Then I’d still be a little bird”.

And now Arya and the Hound ride again!
My issue with Sansa's response is that she basically said all that rape and betrayal from Ramsey and LF was good character-building stuff. Which really doesn't sound like anything a woman would ever say.
I really can't decide among three possibilities which i smore likely
  • somehow everyone involved in production failed to notice while regular viewers caught it immediately (not me though - I had no idea)
  • production caught it after photography was concluded and said "WTF, leave it in, maybe no one will notice," and
  • bizarro product placement
It's too easy to digitally remove post-production, given it was a dark room for it not to have been left intentionally.
He heard Jon say Sam was the best friend he ever had and he was like what The F dude ? I'm right here :D

HA!! I said the same thing out-loud to my GF when they cut to Ghost’s sad face.
My issue with Sansa's response is that she basically said all that rape and betrayal from Ramsey and LF was good character-building stuff. Which really doesn't sound like anything a woman would ever say.

The whole "no [type of person] would ever say ___ " mindset just erases other people's individuality.

Personally I can't imagine anyone being so certain that they have an absolute understanding of humanity that they would believe they can categorically state with confidence and accuracy what all other people would or would not believe or say, and yet here we are.
Last nights episode was easily the worst of season 8 for me. Just so many decisions I did not understand at all...

But I am glad Varys is back in the mix. Also glad for the Big Woman ;)
The whole "no [type of person] would ever say ___ " mindset just erases other people's individuality.

Personally I can't imagine anyone being so certain that they have an absolute understanding of humanity that they would believe they can categorically state with confidence and accuracy what all other people would or would not believe or say, and yet here we are.
Well, fine. Maybe there is a woman, or women, out there that might say it. And to be honest, when she said it "live" as I watched it, I did take it the way Adam posed it-- it happened, can't change it, have to move forward. I survived it and it contributed to who I am now. I'm just saying that when I thought about it after, it felt a little cringy-- like she was almost saying, it happened, and now I'm a better, stronger person for it. Which in the wrong ears can be a dangerous thing to hear.
It is pretty crazy how people can watch the same thing and come away with totally different opinions. I was talking to one of my best friends last night and I would not traditionally call him a Dani fan or defender but he's under the impression she's acting correctly right now and placing much of the blame on Sansa. He thinks she's rushing into the war because she wants to get ahead of John's claim getting out and that it's largely justified. Whereas I think Dani being obsessed with needing to be sole Queen and disregarding sound advice (Sansa didn't know about John's claim at the time so it wasn't a power grab) and putting her people at risk so she can become Queen quicker show's she's likely unfit and Sansa did the right thing not keeping John's secret. Talked to a work friend this morning and he was pretty much in agreement with me.

Also, in the books there are 7 entrances to Kings Landing, for the Seven Gods. The topography is way off in the top photo. There's even a map of Kings Landing in the 1st or 2nd book that shows it surrounded by land on most sides. The lower photo actually makes some sense book/cannon wise.
Jon is currently backing Dany and shes scared its not enough. IDK
keyword is "currently" - if she does something rash, such as kill a whole slew of innocents (which is likely given the vision from a few seasons ago, then he'll turn on her real quick - or if she dies or gets herself killed