They had two songs?Need to come up with the lyrics to "The Sun Always Shines on City" (to the tune of cheesy 80's hit The Sun Always Shines on TV by A-ha).
Not quite the "We eat children" vibe we were just admiring so much from the Timbers.Need to come up with the lyrics to "The Sun Always Shines on City" (to the tune of cheesy 80's hit The Sun Always Shines on TV by A-ha).
The song was specifically and only in response to the chance of rain. Everything else should be strictly to death metal songs.Not quite the "We eat children" vibe we were just admiring so much from the Timbers.
Gents, I need your assistance. I just booked from trip from Tampa to NYC for this Friday evening and I am very excited about attending the game vs Jersey this coming Saturday. The only problem? Since this was a last minute trip reservation, I DONT HAVE TICKETS TO THE GAME. I would love to sit with the supporters and bring my brother in law and another friend. So I need like 4 tickets.
What is the best way for me to get tickets to sit with my fellow NYCFC brethren so we can sing, cheer, and hopefully witness us taking 3 points?
Thanks Rox for the prompt reply. Which face books pages the third rail?There are tickets floating around in the various supporter pages on facebook. It's going to be a crap shoot to get 4 though.
Found this too!Thanks Rox for the prompt reply. Which face books pages the third rail?
Awesome I will reach out
Thanks Rox for the prompt reply. Which face books pages the third rail?
Try the Ticket Exchange over on the official NYCFC site.
I just took a quick look, and while there doesn't seem to be any tickets in the left field bleacher SG sections, it looks like there's plenty of tix in the surrounding 100 and 200 levels.
Thanks Gene. If I can't get tickets with the supporters I guess the next best section is 209?
^^^This.209 and 210 are the family section (no alcohol), also near RB supporters in 305-308.
If you can't find four Supoorter seats (and remember it is GA so they needn't be together) I would just try to find four together for a reasonable price almost anywhere except the area behind home plate.
Sneaky advice would be to get the 4 cheapest seats you can find regardless of location or whether they are together and sit together in the areas of 234 or 205 which are unsold, since tickets are usually not checked.
That group is members only. There were a few tickets posted there but not very many and those that were sold immediately. One dude came in trying to sell tickets at $50 each. Let's just say that wasn't received well. LOL!
Damn right, Rox! Never sell to another supporter for profit