November availability makes perfect sense. Definitely shipping in order to be in stores by Black Friday. This is a business, folks and there's 10,000+ potential customers for a $100 kit - with some opting for multiples (either for themselves or for the kids).'s times like these that I wonder what we were thinking: having three of the little buggers...
10,000 x $100 = (raised pinkie) one ... million ... dollars in revenue. Best sales opportunity outside of regular season is going to be Q4/Holiday - and I'm sure everyone would like to get those puppies shipped out and into the 2014 accounting ledgers.
I'm reminded of the world cup this summer in queens - specifically Astoria - it was observed that for every Mexico match that the majority of fans out watching the games appeared to be wearing their game day kit. Can anyone confirm that that's an accurate assessment? I heard that the Mexico kit is the worldwide bestseller (at least for national kits) -- if their fans have made a conscious effort to wear the game day, that's impressive.