Mls CBA 2015 Thread

I agree with the players and if a strike happens shame on Garber. This isn't the NFL, MLB or NBA. There isn't only one pony in the show. The MLS is competing with a lot of foreign leagues who will pay and let their players fly on a chartered flights to games.
I agree with the players and if a strike happens shame on Garber. This isn't the NFL, MLB or NBA. There isn't only one pony in the show. The MLS is competing with a lot of foreign leagues who will pay and let their players fly on a chartered flights to games.
I get that right now the MLS makes less money than the big 5's 2 tiers but that is on schedule to change next year in 5 years they will pass the bundesliga (at 1.6billion) and is be in the 5-7 billion in ten years that will only get faster when they invest into their players. It's time to pay there guys. Garber hasn't been the greatest businessman in the world but these are the no brainers in business.
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I hope that when ppl say Garber, they remember he's just the sock puppet for the owners.

Snarf snarf, league of choice! snarf snarf, we are losing money! Hey look, there goes 7 million from TO, see all the money we are losing?!
MLS Must Adopt Free Agency to Reach Lofty Goals

Higher salary caps, above all, means more money for the vast middle class of MLS players—the non-rookies and non-Designated Players, making somewhere between $48,500 and $387,500 in 2014. When the base, rather than just the stars, can start making real money, the playing level will go up, as the league’s clubs would suddenly be competitive in an entirely new segment of the international market for players

What the players want is to move the players in the $48,500-$387,500 range to what I would say to the $120k-$800K and adjust annually.
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Yea but are American players worth more than that? It's one thing to pay Fabian Delph 400k a year (and next year, a lot more). But is Eric Alexander or Matt Dunn worth that much?

If I am an MLS owner and I can spend more money - am I buying American talent or foreign talent? The American talent player pool is still abnormally small compared to Europe and South America. You only have 8 international spots. I don't want to overpay some crappy college player. Let me go compete with Serie A and Ligue 1 for talent. Or for the bottom table EPL and La Liga talent. That's where the growth should come from. But from the player's perspective this is about giving them competitive wages. I just don't know if the product warrants it.
Here are the details on what players union.

  • Cap goes up to $4 million (must admit this is no were mere enough 40% at the min if not 48% of soccer driven revenue )
  • union wants league minimum upped to $70k (they should ask for $100k)
  • union wants starter minimum to be $200k (absolutely reasonable)
  • union wants the roster reduced (this I get more money that can be spent but will hurt teams for CCL)
  • union wants a 2nd tier DP designation added (interesting)
  • union wants league to allow more charter flights (absolutely reasonable why the league doesn't allow this is beyond me)
  • union wants free agency (the biggest sticking point)

And according to this form ESPN FC
The owners didn't even include free agency in there proposal.
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Yea but are American players worth more than that? It's one thing to pay Fabian Delph 400k a year (and next year, a lot more). But is Eric Alexander or Matt Dunn worth that much?

If I am an MLS owner and I can spend more money - am I buying American talent or foreign talent? The American talent player pool is still abnormally small compared to Europe and South America. You only have 8 international spots. I don't want to overpay some crappy college player. Let me go compete with Serie A and Ligue 1 for talent. Or for the bottom table EPL and La Liga talent. That's where the growth should come from. But from the player's perspective this is about giving them competitive wages. I just don't know if the product warrants it.
But isn't the success of MLS in recent years built more on the play of those "average" Americans that make up the super majority of MLS? Doesn't that mean they deserve a raise? Regardless, this is the opinion of the Players Union.
I don't know. Sorry. But soccer is different that other sports because we aren't #1 here. Our middle of the road guys aren't worth what the middle of the road guys overseas are worth.
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I don't know. Sorry. But soccer is different that other sports because we aren't #1 here. Our middle of the road guys aren't worth what the middle of the road guys overseas are worth.
You might think that. But I'll bet money the MLS Players Union doesn't.
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Of course they don't think that. But it's obvious there is a talent disparity here. Maybe the Villas and Kakas can play anywhere in the world still. But Dax McCarty isn't about to break into the Starting 11 for West Bromwich Albion.

I just finished that great article that was posted above. Sounds like the rank and file players are beginning to turn on the DPs.

Maybe some of the DPs should put some money up to show they are serious in standing arm and arm with their fellow players. Donovan apparently was great behind the scenese in protecting the rank and file. Would go a long way if guys like Dempsey, Bradley and Keane put up a small amount of money to help their teammates get through a few months worth of work stoppage. And it would show the owners they are serious.
I don't know. Sorry. But soccer is different that other sports because we aren't #1 here. Our middle of the road guys aren't worth what the middle of the road guys overseas are worth.
Are you saying they should get paid like they play in a division 1 league? You are never going to get great players around the world to play here and our players making their career in this country while you are paying $380k MAX. Pay the Americans and Pay the Foreign rise the standard pay and watch the standard of play go up, and lets not just say oh for that money lets go get some euros to play here, because remember unlike the primer league one of the goals of MLS is to improve the quality of the USMNT, become a league dependent euro players doesn't help that. 30% of teams being the euro if fine and rising the cap well get you a better quality of euro players.
Are you saying they should get paid like they play in a division 1 league? You are never going to get great players around the world to play here and our players making their career in this country while you are paying $380k MAX. Pay the Americans and Pay the Foreign rise the standard pay and watch the standard of play go up, and lets not just say oh for that money lets go get some euros to play here, because remember unlike the primer league one of the goals of MLS is to improve the quality of the USMNT, become a league dependent euro players doesn't help that. 30% of teams being the euro if fine and rising the cap well get you a better quality of euro players.

I think you're missing my pont. I am all for raising the pay of these guys. I would be for a much more open system.

But if I am Bob Kraft and you tell me I can go spend $10 Million in wages vs. the current $3 Million I am allowed to, I don't call up Andrew Farrell and give him a raise. I call overseas and see if the second choice LB for Spurs, Sevilla, Fiorentina or Marseilles wants to come play for me.

The American rank and file player just isn't as good as their counterparts overseas. Let's pay these guys an honest wage - double probably what they make here. But let's not fool ourselves and think that Andrew Jacobson is really worth 350k a year, which is roughly double his current salary.
franchise646 franchise646 Let me ask you an honest question.

If I gave you $650k in annual salary to spend on a CB. Do you give it to Matt Besler? Because that's what Kansas City did. I would argue, if allowed, there are MUCH better CBs around the world for 650k a year. And I love Besler.
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I think you're missing my pont. I am all for raising the pay of these guys. I would be for a much more open system.

But if I am Bob Kraft and you tell me I can go spend $10 Million in wages vs. the current $3 Million I am allowed to, I don't call up Andrew Farrell and give him a raise. I call overseas and see if the second choice LB for Spurs, Sevilla, Fiorentina or Marseilles wants to come play for me.

The American rank and file player just isn't as good as their counterparts overseas. Let's pay these guys an honest wage - double probably what they make here. But let's not fool ourselves and think that Andrew Jacobson is really worth 350k a year, which is roughly double his current salary.
You have to look at which americans, who are now playing in other leagues, can come back here, and what you would have to pay them to get them back. I think a good first step is the guys in Liga MX. I think with a cap increase you need to decrease the number of americans who need to be on the roster. We already know who the pool of americans are who are worth the higher wages, and there are not that many of them that could supplant a significant number of the lower level guys.
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franchise646 franchise646 Let me ask you an honest question.

If I gave you $650k in annual salary to spend on a CB. Do you give it to Matt Besler? Because that's what Kansas City did. I would argue, if allowed, there are MUCH better CBs around the world for 650k a year. And I love Besler.
I depends I will go for the best talent but I am also restricted and for good reason if I can get a good American defender and save the international spot for a Forward than I do that, and I get what you are saying. What I am saying is I DONT want to be the Premier League/England. Have a great league but have our national team suck. I rather be Bundusliga/Germany great league and fantastic national team.
I think you, franchise646 franchise646 , me and T Tom in Fairfield CT are on a similar page. I want the Liga MX guys here. I am 100% on board with that. They are worth it. I want the Rubins and Hyndmans here - the real Americans and not dual passport guys. I want Geoff Cameron and Eric Lichaj here. And I want to pay all of them.

But I don't want the problem that the EPL has. Ricky Lambert was sold for 30 Million Pounds. Ricky Lambert sucks! I don't want to become a league where we overpay for average American talent. I can deal with overpaying for exceptional American talent because of the commercial aspect of it. It's ok to go for Bradley and Altidore. But I don't want to pay a premium for Brek Shea.
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