Ronny said the ref apologized after the game. There was no mention if that was for disallowing the goal or for not calling the foul on dwyer.
the BT sports ref obviously doesn't know the laws of the game. The law specifically states a foul occurs when an opposing player "prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from the hands or kicks or attempts to kick the ball when the goalkeeper is in the process of releasing it ".
This law can be parsed into 2 scenarios:
1) prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from the hands
2) kicks or attempts to kick the ball when the goalkeeper is in the process of releasing it.
Medina does not fall into scenario 1, because Medina had his back turned and was walking away. it was Bono who went toward him and covered a decent distance to do so.
Medina also does not fall into scenario 2 because Medina does not "kick or attempt to kick". He does a slight hop, not a large jump, which could be interpreted as trying to block. But both these are irrelevant because the rule states "kick or attempt to kick" and Medina does neither.
Under this law, Benzema's goal should have been called back because he falls under scenario 2 and Medina's goal should have stood. THANKS PRO.
And because it is such a complex situation, I wonder whether the idiots at MLS website will even review it on their review of contested referee decisions. They like to look knowledgeable, and they won't if they get into this.