MLS - September 17 - Red Bulls (Home)

Ok gotta ask....espn + is blacking me out even though I shouldn't be. Anyone know who puts out decent pirate streams these days?
Maybe just set up a discord for game days
Most of our members wouldn’t be about that. I’ll find a solution. I didn’t realize this add-on wasn’t compatible. The other ones gave me errors this one didn’t. Should have tested it. If it works then we’re good. Otherwise I’ll find another one or we’ll look to discord or take up a vote.
Most of our members wouldn’t be about that. I’ll find a solution. I didn’t realize this add-on wasn’t compatible. The other ones gave me errors this one didn’t. Should have tested it. If it works then we’re good. Otherwise I’ll find another one or we’ll look to discord or take up a vote.
I'm up for discord if we go that way.
Does O'toole start over Amundsen going forward if this result holds? Are other Deuce players due for a shot? or is this just a good fit
I think he's just a really good fit. Very technical player, very versatile. I was really impressed with him at the Deuce. We have a couple other good ones down there -- Turnbull, Benalcazar, Owusu -- but they have guys in front of them right now.

The thing about O'Toole is, he's been good no matter which line he's playing on. And he's been on all three.

I think we have a hidden gem in Pellegrini, too. We just haven't had the chance to quite integrate him yet.