New Jersey (Home) - Postmatch

What a blast that game was. We were so clearly better for nearly the entire match. Red Bulls play a great team brand of soccer, but the talent gap between the two teams was stark.

Thought pretty much everyone played well. Maxi was great, Taty was awesome, Tinnerholm was all over the place, Mitrita was superb. Heber's goal was one of the nicest we'll score all year. Backheel nutmeg. Insane.

Mata lost his head again, which is kind of a theme for him in big games. He's probably the one guy I do not trust in a big game at all. Kid just can't keep his cool. That said, I understand the red card by the letter of the law, but when Murillo doesn't even react to it, not sure that's the right call. We got VAR'ed.

Great atmosphere at the Stadium. Felt like with all the negative energy around here, we needed a night like that.

Last thing: Listen, it's great that ESPN had so many games this week that they went so far down their depth chart. You can't have BOTH Red Bulls MSG announcers on the national broadcast. If you wanted to have one of Shep or Cangialosi calling it, fine. No issue with that. But to have both of them is ridiculous. Red Bulls fans would have been rightfully furious had Joe and Ian called the game. It's fine to have Cangialosi do the game, but to have both of them is a really bad look for ESPN.
The refs might as well have had red jerseys on tonight. They let the big bull goons play like NFL linebackers all night.

It's a Derby. I'm fine with it. I thought the refs weren't really a part of the story tonight, which was a nice difference from the last couple Derbies we've had (the farcical 9-man game last year and the controversy earlier this year). It was nice that they weren't a main part of the story tonight.
Wtf with Cangialosi and Shep doing a national game. Shep going on about the home field advantage...please! Though he actually was slightly less of a homer than usual, on balance.
Just skimmed thru big chunks of the broadcast and though it's ridiculous to have them call this on ESPN (and didn't this happen once before, maybe last year?) I have to give credit. They both made an effort to be more even, though Mess can only adjust so much.
Just skimmed thru big chunks of the broadcast and though it's ridiculous to have them call this on ESPN (and didn't this happen once before, maybe last year?) I have to give credit. They both made an effort to be more even, though Mess can only adjust so much.

Given Messing couldn't drink on the job this time since it's ESPN, that admittedly did help him be less biased. That being said, the guy was recently on the video about the rivalry and was 100% a Red Bull homer in it and calling us a joke.
Traded in bunch of tix we couldn’t use and threw in more cash to upgrade to pitchside for this match. What an experience.

- Legends food is actually good
- Went down to the 100 level of legends right up by the field for the player entrance
- Took the elevator back up to 200 to walk over to pitchside... took the elevator with James Sands, and Roger Bennett and his kids. Thought of stuff to say to them that wouldn’t be too annoying but just kept my mouth shut and let them be.
- Pitchside is amazing. Hung out after while Tinny came over.
- Beautiful weather. Just perfect.
- New York is blue!

Could get used to that. LionNYC how much are those?
This was a completely shocking performance from this ref - seemed like in this moment he wasn't going to book Ring, then acquiesced to pressure from NJ players - then a few mins later a NJ player does the same thing and the ref gives a foul - then books the player after Ring complains that he got booked for the same thing. Maybe find a new line of work if you're just gonna let the players tell you how to ref the game.
What was odd was how Muyl didn’t get a second yellow for coming back on the field after his treatment and then not immediately getting off when told to leave. He was already on a Yellow, and I’m sure the ref didn’t want to send him off for a deadball minor infraction, but he clearly wasn’t allowed back on and he wasted time.

That said, the key to nullifying Muyl is to stick him with a yellow early because his entire game is physical and he was a non-factor once sitting on the card.
Traded in bunch of tix we couldn’t use and threw in more cash to upgrade to pitchside for this match. What an experience.

- Legends food is actually good
- Went down to the 100 level of legends right up by the field for the player entrance
- Took the elevator back up to 200 to walk over to pitchside... took the elevator with James Sands, and Roger Bennett and his kids. Thought of stuff to say to them that wouldn’t be too annoying but just kept my mouth shut and let them be.
- Pitchside is amazing. Hung out after while Tinny came over.
- Beautiful weather. Just perfect.
- New York is blue!

Could get used to that. LionNYC how much are those?
I need to use my trade in credit and was thinking of doing this... Wonder if I have enough?
I think that means something different in the USA than it does in Scotland.

Came here to say thee things.

1) Matarrita is a fucking idiot. No excuse for what he did. Enjoy Ben Sweat the next 3 matches. You watch. Sweat will cost us points. Mata was playing arguably his best football in an NYCFC jersey.

2) Taty Castellanos made Aaron Long work tonight. He bodied up him, held the ball up and forced Long into errors. At times, he occupied both CBs. I like this playing Heber underneath him.

3) Dome Torrent is your man of the match. Slight change in the first half changed everything for us. Alex Ring, he of shitty distribution, was moved up the pitch and Keaton Parks dropped in with the CBs when building out. Opened the game up. Then Maxi dropped wide left underneath Mata to build up on that side. They must have seen something down the NJRB right side and Dome took advantage of it. Masterclass from Dome.
Not enough is being said about Mitri’s game. Tonight was the first game he truly worked his ass off. Running back to recapture the ball. And the turn and pass to Maxi for the pen. Holy shit that was beautiful. Best game in blue?

Also, Mata’s headbutt was incredibly dumb, but is anyone else mad that Murillo didn’t see red as well? Sure it wasn’t a huge swing like Mata, but we have seen plenty of small movements like that get red. Pissed me off.
I just read this article:

basically says what Dome talked about in his post game presser. but it also mentions stuff Armas said in his post game presser. He was complaining that Maxi went down too easy for the penalty and how our guys were too much with the time wasting and "our team would never do that". Was he not awake when they played DC a few days ago? Pot calling the kettle black... lol.

I hope he liked Dome's gift. I hope it was a NY IS BLUE tshirt.