Umm, how about not making one intelligent comment or even eliciting an intelligent interview response?
That's such a poor treatment of the topic.
Okay, so the article is just reporting Pirlo said this. Pirlo is wrong, but whatever.
It is extremely frustrating that these articles run-down MLS to make it seem like a league of paupers relative to the rest of the world when in reality it's on of the better paying leagues you'll find. And they do it sustainably, without UCL or massive TV revenues.
Here's a graphic I stole a while back from a poster on big soccer that is solely based on the MLSPU numbers (which everything I've ever come across leads me to believe are largely the PU's annual poor-mouthing). It's the average number of the
n-th highest paid player on each MLS roster in 2010 & 2016. Pirlo needs to get a damn clue before he just spouts off. I'm all good with toying with the numbers and associated mechanisms for now. This no cap suggestion is ridiculous. MLS is run like a business, not a liabilities printer like 99.5% of every other club in the world. Maybe it's my financial sensibilities that make this topic so irritating to me, but it's just as likely that I am more annoyed by people purporting to write factual articles that skip past everything until they find a few kernels of truth to seize on that presents things they way they want them to appear.
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