NYCFC Players Wanted Thread

What was Giovinco's story before coming over here? Was he a guarantee, or did TO get lucky? I'm sure every team wants a giovinco type player, is it just a matter of splashing the cash?
I'm sure it's a combo of getting lucky and splashing the cash. There's gotta be real solid players who aren't necessarily in the best club situation who would move here for 6 mil a year. And they don't even necessarily have to be European. Why not look at a top Argentinian or Brazilian striker who may be knocking at the door to play in the euro big 5 but who wouldn't mind making Gio money for a year or two?
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if he had stuck around, he would have seen a lot of the field this year.

What was Giovinco's story before coming over here? Was he a guarantee, or did TO get lucky? I'm sure every team wants a giovinco type player, is it just a matter of splashing the cash?

I was thinking that the other day. Serie A has shifted to a more offensive style and moving away from their defensive first mentality and as you pointed out he would have played quite a bit more this year...but given a healthy team he wouldn't play much. Dybala at 22 is one of the most sought-after players in the world right now. Morata at 23 is almost there with him. Zaza and Mandzukic are different types of players. When he was with Juve, it was the same scenarios. How do you crack a starting 11 spot on one of the best teams in the world? You don't. That said, he was successful in Serie A when able to be and people in Italy love(d) him. Nobody thought Gio was bad there, he was actual well liked. He's been on the national team a bunch of times too.

He was being pursued by a few Serie A and PL teams too when his contract ended. There was some connection with some TFC people with Gios. They met his asking price and he wanted to play 90. He likes the Toronto vibe and there's a lot of Italians in the area. I would have loved to have him and I'm sure a lot of teams are kicking themselves in the ass. I think it was more about having the balls to sign a player like him rather than what his ability and reputation was. I knew he'd be good here, anyone who follows Italian football probably thought so too and obviously Toronto did.
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Thinking about the Red Bulls and Klose rumors...I'd be more than happy to cut Lampard loose and bring in Klose for the rest of the year. Move Villa left and have a ball hawking target man in the middle...yes.
For those asking how NYCFC could sign another DP type player.

The same way LA Galaxy signed De Jong.

You offer Player X a contract with the first half season below DP threshold, which will automatically jump up to DP salary for next season if they play a minimum amount of games. He can then occupy Lampard's spot and we'd reward him by splashing the cash.
With Fernando Torres out of the picture with the Spanish national team maybe Villa has it easier trying to convince him to come over.

I think he'd have the same impact Drogba had last year...but seeing he's close to re-signing.
With Fernando Torres out of the picture with the Spanish national team maybe Villa has it easier trying to convince him to come over.

Woah, that's a good point. Just got my hopes up a little.

Give Torres a small midseason deal with an automatically vesting 3-year DP deal if he plays 10 games for his this fall. Let Lampard and Pirlo walk in the offseason, sign Honda from AC Milan.

A front line of Villa-Torres-Shelton with Mendoza, Harrison, and Mullins on the bench would be sick. Plus a midfield of Pirlo/Honda and McNamara being protected by Bravo/new CDM and possibly Mix on the bench? Matarrita bombing down the left for one more year? Yes please.
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Woah, that's a good point. Just got my hopes up a little.

Give Torres a small midseason deal with an automatically vesting 3-year DP deal if he plays 10 games for his this fall. Let Lampard and Pirlo walk in the offseason, sign Honda from AC Milan.

A front line of Villa-Torres-Shelton with Mendoza, Harrison, and Mullins on the bench would be sick. Plus a midfield of Pirlo/Honda and McNamara being protected by Bravo/new CDM and possibly Mix on the bench? Matarrita bombing down the left for one more year? Yes please.
Pretty sure Pirlo's deal is through 2017.
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The next Designated Player will be an attacking midfielder or secondary striker type.
The next Designated Player will be an attacking midfielder or secondary striker type.

I wouldn't mind an attacking midfielder (e.g. Honda), but if we bring in a striker, it should be a target man (e.g. Torres). We already have a supporting striker in Villa.
I wouldn't mind an attacking midfielder (e.g. Honda), but if we bring in a striker, it should be a target man (e.g. Torres). We already have a supporting striker in Villa.

Conceivable that Villa drops deeper behind a target player in a 4-2-3-1 a la Henry a few years ago before he became a LW
I'd agree if we ran a 2-striker system, but in our 4-3-3 we really need true midfielders.

Question for the NYCFC Tactics people if they post on here - I'm sure they have a heat map on where our players line-up and the lanes they fill. Throughout the game, noticing how our wingers play, I wonder what our true formation is.

It seems as if we're playing a 4-2-3-1 with Pirlo-Bravo linking as CDMs, Lopez in front of them and Shelton/McNamara playing from endline to endline, which is what you do in a 4-2-3-1. I would love to see a heatmap for the season.
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