NYCFC Players Wanted Thread

Question for the NYCFC Tactics people if they post on here - I'm sure they have a heat map on where our players line-up and the lanes they fill. Throughout the game, noticing how our wingers play, I wonder what our true formation is.

It seems as if we're playing a 4-2-3-1 with Pirlo-Bravo linking as CDMs, Lopez in front of them and Shelton/McNamara playing from endline to endline, which is what you do in a 4-2-3-1. I would love to see a heatmap for the season.

A heatmap over the course of a season would be messy because we've played a few different systems.

But you're right that it doesn't necessarily look like a 4-3-3. More like a 4-1-4-1 or a 4-5-1 with a V-shaped midfield depending on the game. It's not a 4-2-3-1 because Pirlo doesn't play as deep anymore, and there's no CAM. Our attacking mids are our wingers. (Except against Portland, Shelton showed up higher than Villa. I'm guessing Vieira told him to stay up for counter attacks, and it didn't exactly work, which is why Shelton was so quiet last game.)

Also, the fullbacks show up way up the pitch. Either level or past our CDM.

In the bottom section there is a tab for "Player Positions" that shows our shape pretty well.
A heatmap over the course of a season would be messy because we've played a few different systems.

But you're right that it doesn't necessarily look like a 4-3-3. More like a 4-1-4-1 or a 4-5-1 with a V-shaped midfield depending on the game. It's not a 4-2-3-1 because Pirlo doesn't play as deep anymore, and there's no CAM. Our attacking mids are our wingers. (Except against Portland, Shelton showed up higher than Villa. I'm guessing Vieira told him to stay up for counter attacks, and it didn't exactly work, which is why Shelton was so quiet last game.)

Also, the fullbacks show up way up the pitch. Either level or past our CDM.

In the bottom section there is a tab for "Player Positions" that shows our shape pretty well.

That's awesome. Thank you. Good point on Pirlo. It's similar to how Man U lined up yesterday with Carrick holding and Rooney/Mata in front of him.

By the way - how AWESOME has Rooney been the past few weeks playing as a Central Midfielder? He's reinvented himself. What a special player.
Wonder if we can take advantage of the Boca connection with bravo and try to land Lodeiro this summer could be a good fit in place of Mikey, with just a bit less speed but much better handling on the ball. Impact might get him though so I can only hope.
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Wonder if we can take advantage of the Boca connection with bravo and try to land Lodeiro this summer could be a good fit in place of Mikey, with just a bit less speed but much better handling on the ball. Impact might get him though so I can only hope.

Yes. Saw a Spanish language tweet last night that said Montreal was interested but that Seattle had actually put in a bid.
Wonder if we can take advantage of the Boca connection with bravo and try to land Lodeiro this summer could be a good fit in place of Mikey, with just a bit less speed but much better handling on the ball. Impact might get him though so I can only hope.

Definitely a DP guy though. So probably not unless Lampard is jettisoned.
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Convince the wife. Figure out the roster. Get Zlatan...

"Zlatan Ibrahimovic's destination could hinge on his wife - and that is bad news for Manchester United, as Helena Seger is thought to be keen on a move to either Los Angeles or New York rather than North West England."

Lampard's wife wants to be in England. Zlatan wife wants to be in New York. Husband swap!
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Convince the wife. Figure out the roster. Get Zlatan...

"Zlatan Ibrahimovic's destination could hinge on his wife - and that is bad news for Manchester United, as Helena Seger is thought to be keen on a move to either Los Angeles or New York rather than North West England."
We could hang Lampard and Vieira's respective nuts on a dunk tank target if that helps. Ultimate game and all. And it's not like they're using them.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic may not move to Manchester United because his wife would prefer New York or Los Angeles

Of course its all speculation, but like i mentioned before, if NYCFC arent at least reaching out to him, id be disappointed.
I've had this (2010) in my wine fridge for about 8 months now. I'll open it when the announcement is made.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic may not move to Manchester United because his wife would prefer New York or Los Angeles

Of course its all speculation, but like i mentioned before, if NYCFC arent at least reaching out to him, id be disappointed.
Moved to player wanted thread as this has 0 traction at the moment. New threads in this section are reserved for team news and rumors with some traction to them
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There was also a report where he said something I the effect that he doesn't/won't play on Thursdays
Very good chance he will be asking DP-level wages. If, for some reason, he comes in affordable - sign me up.

He doesn't have the name recognition among Americans that Howard does that would draw in the casual fan. Some team will probably foolishly give him a DP contract, but I think he's worth a TAM contract in the 600-700k range.