NYCFC Players Wanted Thread

I don't even want to go near LGA or JFK when I have to fly out of them. Our airports suck. If we had a first team training ground or stadium in the five boroughs it would probably be an easier sell for a lot more people to do.

I could be very wrong but this appears to be a very Italian soccer/Ultras/Supports thing at least thats where I see it most and it appears they do it for most of the signings they make. Saw it last a couple days ago from Lazio for Lucas Leiva .
Agreed. In Orlando, everyone drives and has a car, and the airport is easy to get to and is a really nice, open airport.

Here, if you have a car, you probably don't want to drive to LGA or JFK and deal with the parking nightmare. Or hell if its EWR. If you don't have a car, you're taking expensive cabs/ubers round trip. Or you're taking a train, then a bus round trip to head to a run down airport that is narrow.

I think we have plenty of fans within our fanbase that if the circumstances were similar to Orlando, would totally do this.
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Should be noted that is not $1.6 Million but $1.6M of GAM and TAM. Hard to put a real value on what TAM/GAM to dollars is, but just for fun, I'd guess somewhere between between every $4 and $5 is equal to $1 of TAM/GAM. Typing this post and using TAM/GAM this much made me realize how much I hate this league sometimes.

You just said that obtaining Dom Dwyers service for 18 months is equivalent to obtaining David Villa's financial equivalent for between a little more that one year to a little less than 18 months. I think you're wee bit on the high side there dannd23

That said I agree with your basic premise, TAM/GAM are worth more than one normal dollar. But I would say that there isn't really a fixed number for GAM/TAM worth. As with all cap relief mechanisms their value directly corresponds to the ability of the user to obtain maximum marginal value from the mechanism.

For signings like those that Kreis and Heath are generally capable of I would fix the value at something less than the dollar per dollar breakpoint; Kreis and Heath are net destroyers of value. Some examples K/H value destruction are Mix Diskerud and Vadim Demidoff. Yet GAM and TAM can prove to be highly effective, take our own shut down center back Maxime Chanot.

The only realistic conclusion we can draw is that cap relief mechanisms should have a dollar value of something greater than one and probably less than five. Yet through poor choices that number can decrease to less than one in individual cases.

It is hard to keep track of everyone's opinions on the relative merits of Allen, Sweat and White regarding which ones (1) suck, (2) are barely adequate, or (3) exceed their pay grade.

Por que no los tres? It is perfectly possible for someone to (1) suck, (2) be barely adequate, and (3) exceed their pay grade. Ben Sweat sucks compared to Mataritta but Sweat is definitely exceeding his pay grade which puts him up to the level of a barely adequate LB. A league minimum player should basically be a dumpster fire that cannot get playtime for love or money under normal circumstances. The fact that a team is playing a league minimum player basically means that you are either going through an injury crisis or are active in the market.

If I had to guess Sweat is playing like a $90k or $120k player, which sucks as a starter for a championship caliber team, but is barely adequate to not shit the bed, and well above his $50k pay grade.
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Agreed. In Orlando, everyone drives and has a car, and the airport is easy to get to and is a really nice, open airport.

Here, if you have a car, you probably don't want to drive to LGA or JFK and deal with the parking nightmare. Or hell if its EWR. If you don't have a car, you're taking expensive cabs/ubers round trip. Or you're taking a train, then a bus round trip to head to a run down airport that is narrow.

I think we have plenty of fans within our fanbase that if the circumstances were similar to Orlando, would totally do this.

Even if we could get there it may not be a good idea. One selling point for famous players to come to NYC has been that they can move about without people bothering them through a combination of less people knowing who they are and the NYC tradition of generally leaving celebrities alone when they are out in the city. If that's one aspect of life that attracted them to NYCFC a giant fan mob at the airport is likely not something they'd be super excited about.
Idk if his name has been put out there and haven't seen him play recently , but how about yohan cabaye at the end of the season when/if? Pirlo is gone . Cabaye, ring and maxi in the middle of the park could be nice .

The Dwyer trade was very unexpected in Orlando. If we had the money I wish we went for him too. I wonder how much it would take to swipe Diego fagundez from New England , from what I saw the guy makes only 150,000 which is low considering the impact he has on that team. Andrew farrel is another interesting option for right back. They might bite at k. Shelton +allocation and draft pick for farrel.
Idk if his name has been put out there and haven't seen him play recently , but how about yohan cabaye at the end of the season when/if? Pirlo is gone . Cabaye, ring and maxi in the middle of the park could be nice .

The Dwyer trade was very unexpected in Orlando. If we had the money I wish we went for him too. I wonder how much it would take to swipe Diego fagundez from New England , from what I saw the guy makes only 150,000 which is low considering the impact he has on that team. Andrew farrel is another interesting option for right back. They might bite at k. Shelton +allocation and draft pick for farrel.

so basically another pirlo whos not as good?
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Idk if his name has been put out there and haven't seen him play recently , but how about yohan cabaye at the end of the season when/if? Pirlo is gone . Cabaye, ring and maxi in the middle of the park could be nice .

The Dwyer trade was very unexpected in Orlando. If we had the money I wish we went for him too. I wonder how much it would take to swipe Diego fagundez from New England , from what I saw the guy makes only 150,000 which is low considering the impact he has on that team. Andrew farrel is another interesting option for right back. They might bite at k. Shelton +allocation and draft pick for farrel.
Cabaye is part owner (with Hazard, Ba, and somebody else) of the new San Diego NASL team which starts play next year. Not sure if he'd want to be cross-country playing, or playing his trade a bit closer? More importantly, unless Hererra isn't re-loaned to us, there won't be an open spot in the midfield for a new, high-priced player. I think we're set there for a few seasons, so using the money on a wide attacker/defender makes more sense.
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Cabaye is part owner (with Hazard, Ba, and somebody else) of the new San Diego NASL team which starts play next year. Not sure if he'd want to be cross-country playing, or playing his trade a bit closer? More importantly, unless Hererra isn't re-loaned to us, there won't be an open spot in the midfield for a new, high-priced player. I think we're set there for a few seasons, so using the money on a wide attacker/defender makes more sense.

Hmm, I wonder if Cabaye's agent has reached out to LAFC. Shocked that they haven't signed a coach yet. I'm actually pulling for LAFC. Something about LA Galaxy bothers me, so I'm going to side with the new club in that local derby.
Hmm, I wonder if Cabaye's agent has reached out to LAFC. Shocked that they haven't signed a coach yet. I'm actually pulling for LAFC. Something about LA Galaxy bothers me, so I'm going to side with the new club in that local derby.
The only reason I can think they haven't signed a coach yet is the coach is currently employed and they don't want to tamper. Maybe waiting to see if a National team is eliminated from WC qualification & grab their coach? I had figured Arena was their target, but he's still got a good shot at Russia, and if the US qualifies he won't be available anytime soon.
Even money that our DP signing going into next season will be a box to box midfielder that complements Ring and Maxi. I do not believe that Herrera will be with NYCFC next season. I have no clue who that player could be, but I do know that they want to target a player under the radar that is still in their prime. Someone willing to play on a $2-3 Million contract without a transfer fee.
im not gonna side with either of them. Fuck them both. #EASTCOAST
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Even money that our DP signing going into next season will be a box to box midfielder that complements Ring and Maxi. I do not believe that Herrera will be with NYCFC next season. I have no clue who that player could be, but I do know that they want to target a player under the radar that is still in their prime. Someone willing to play on a $2-3 Million contract without a transfer fee.

Apart from Herrera, I wouldn't be surprised if both Harrison and Ring left for Europe after this season. They must have induced some interest outside the MLS, and as none of them is a DP, they'd get much better paid in Europe. It is possible that the entire NYCFC midfield will see a complete shake-up after the season.