NYCFC Players Wanted Thread

He's not here to play CB. I have no clue how they are going to line-up now this season, but I don't expect to see a lot of Mix. He may actually turn out to be Lampard's crutch.
He's not here to play CB. I have no clue how they are going to line-up now this season, but I don't expect to see a lot of Mix. He may actually turn out to be Lampard's crutch.
I thought Vieira said poku and mix would have big roles this season
I thought Vieira said poku and mix would have big roles this season

I do not think it is hard to imagine Mix starting 20+ matches this year (or more if he doesn't get USMNT call-ups) without ever being in the "best 11". Of course, that would mean he is shuttled around among various positions depending on who is out. That will drive those obsessed with playing players in their best positions crazy

But, unless he becomes a true d-mid and is better than the various alternatives (Lopez/Bravo (?)/Jacobson) or gets put out on the wing again, I think he ends up being like one of those 450 AB utility types in baseball.

Personally, I think that may well be his best use given our personnel.
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I think Mix does not start the first game of the year.

But excellent points above about Frank getting hurt (or Pirlo, or Bravo or Poku, etc). Mix may end up being a utility player who still gets 30 starts, but never in the same spot. And he probably is a 60th minute sub in the games he doesn't start. I just don't see a natural spot for him in the First XI right now.
Mix is going to have to tough it out this season. Once we clear Lampard and Pirlo, he should be able to play in his preferred position. The one thing I expect from Vieira coaching the young guys is that he's going to toughen them up mentally and physically.
Updated Depth Chart

The below assumes a 4-3-3, so some players who would be wingers or attacking mids in other formations are shown as forwards. Italics means International Player.

Forward: Villa, Mullins, Poku, Shelton, Harrison, Taylor
Midfield: Pirlo, Lampard, Mix, Bravo, Jacobson, McNamara, Ballouchy, Lopez
Fullbacks: Iraola, Matarrita, Martinez, Allen, Brandt
Centerbacks: Mena, Brillant, Hernandez, Wingert, White
Goalkeepers: Saunders, Johanson

Two players to go. Still need a third goalkeeper. After that, probably a CB or forward.
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I do not think it is hard to imagine Mix starting 20+ matches this year (or more if he doesn't get USMNT call-ups) without ever being in the "best 11". Of course, that would mean he is shuttled around among various positions depending on who is out. That will drive those obsessed with playing players in their best positions crazy

But, unless he becomes a true d-mid and is better than the various alternatives (Lopez/Bravo (?)/Jacobson) or gets put out on the wing again, I think he ends up being like one of those 450 AB utility types in baseball.

Personally, I think that may well be his best use given our personnel.

Well if we're going to start using baseball analogies (why the hell not considering where we play), then what's Mix's VORP? (Value above replacement player). Couldn't we get another player to do the same job as Mix for a much lower cost to our cap?
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What part of Mix's game does everyone hate so much? His tireless running? His Pirlo-esque penetrating passes? His strong tackling? His...
What part of Mix's game does everyone hate so much? His tireless running? His Pirlo-esque penetrating passes? His strong tackling? His...
MLS noobs. Still relying on for their player opinions.

I don't see how people pencil this new guy into our crowded midfield. I will repeat what I said elsewhere and say he's more likely to be tried at CB. It would be too weird to pick up Mikey and then grab this guy for the same spot, while at the same time, we lost on our top CB target. I think this is one of or a combination of two things: more competition to push Hernandez to likely the 4th CB slot and a nod to the idea that we will indeed play 3 in the back at times this year. PV mentioned playing 3 in the back at Tir Na Nog, and given our squad, I bet we see it. It lets us get our best on the field at once.

When all of our mids are there and healthy, you could see Mena, Bravo and Brillant in back, midfield of Pirlo, Mix, Poku, Lampard with Villa and Mullins up top. That is likely our very best team. If Bravo is moved up to play alongside Pirlo and Mix, then you slide Poku up to SS and use Mullins as a sub and Villa slides back to SS/free role.

Also, I am not sold on Lampard being anything we can count on. I bet his minutes are managed heavily, especially at the beginning of the year. He's never had the kind of long hot summer he will this year, and he's half broken down as is. Expect a lot of 60" sub outs or in for Frank. And a lot of defensive subs at 60" for Pirlo if we are worth a shit.

So take that, punks. Y'all can keep your haterade powder for another Mix. He's one of the best 11 easily, and Kreis is no longer the coach.
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Mikey Lopez played as an outside midfielder and CAM this year according to their team.

This guy is a natural CDM.
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MLS noobs. Still relying on for their player opinions.

I don't see how people pencil this new guy into our crowded midfield. I will repeat what I said elsewhere and say he's more likely to be tried at CB. It would be too weird to pick up Mikey and then grab this guy for the same spot, while at the same time, we lost on our top CB target. I think this is one of or a combination of two things: more competition to push Hernandez to likely the 4th CB slot and a nod to the idea that we will indeed play 3 in the back at times this year. PV mentioned playing 3 in the back at Tir Na Nog, and given our squad, I bet we see it. It lets us get our best on the field at once.

When all of our mids are there and healthy, you could see Mena, Bravo and Brillant in back, midfield of Pirlo, Mix, Poku, Lampard with Villa and Mullins up top. That is likely our very best team. If Bravo is moved up to play alongside Pirlo and Mix, then you slide Poku up to SS and use Mullins as a sub and Villa slides back to SS/free role.

Also, I am not sold on Lampard being anything we can count on. I bet his minutes are managed heavily, especially at the beginning of the year. He's never had the kind of long hot summer he will this year, and he's half broken down as is. Expect a lot of 60" sub outs or in for Frank. And a lot of defensive subs at 60" for Pirlo if we are worth a shit.

So take that, punks. Y'all can keep your haterade powder for another Mix. He's one of the best 11 easily, and Kreis is no longer the coach.

1. I'm not sure I buy Vieira going radical and playing three CB's this year - usually you have to build your entire team with that in mind, not throw it together on a whim. Plus, I don't see how the solution to a crowded midfield is to pull one of them off in favor of a third centerback - the position we have the least depth. Plus, or fullbacks might be our best defenders - and now they're gone.

2. If we determine our personnel does fit into a 3-5-2 best, the bolded is almost certainly not it. You list 9 central players. Where is the width? You'd have to go something like this:


That's with wing backs and no extra DM. Or you could do a second DM and get the wings forward:


Mix and Poku aren't wing players. If you're playing a 3-man backline, we either need two wingbacks (Matarrita, Iraola, Martinez, or Allen can all play it) or a DM with Pirlo (probably Mix or Lopez, maybe Poku if he develops his game) and real attacking wingers (Shelton, Harrison, Taylor; EDIT: Matarrita probably works here too, I maybe should have put him in the lineup over Harrison).
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1. I'm not sure I buy Vieira going radical and playing three CB's this year - usually you have to build your entire team with that in mind, not throw it together on a whim. Plus, I don't see how the solution to a crowded midfield is to pull one of them off in favor of a third centerback - the position we have the least depth. Plus, or fullbacks might be our best defenders - and now they're gone.

2. If we determine our personnel does fit into a 3-5-2 best, the bolded is almost certainly not it. You list 9 central players. Where is the width? You'd have to go something like this:


That's with wing backs and no extra DM. Or you could do a second DM and get the wings forward:


Mix and Poku aren't wing players. If you're playing a 3-man backline, we either need two wingbacks (Matarrita, Iraola, Martinez, or Allen can all play it) or a DM with Pirlo (probably Mix or Lopez, maybe Poku if he develops his game) and real attacking wingers (Shelton, Harrison, Taylor; EDIT: Matarrita probably works here too, I maybe should have put him in the lineup over Harrison).

To keep going, I suppose Midas Mulligan Midas Mulligan was thinking something more like this:


Ehhhhh, maybeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Total non-sequitur here: ...But as a Jets fan this NYCFC off-season reminds me of what the new leadership did in Florham Park. Dramatically more competitive at each position. We don't know how things will play out even coming out of camp, but these roster moves augur very well short-term and long-term.
I appreciate your efforts, S sbrylski. I confess to presuming Iraola and Matarrita as wbs. Then, I just miscounted my slots, so you would move Mullins to sub role.

I do think it's possible. If you play Bravo as a sweeper, why not. Then, you never know who's blazing out of midfield into the box, and you have an athletic CB to cover Pirlo.
You guys are grossly overrating Bravo and grossly undervaluing Mix. Is Bravo good? Sure. Is he anywhere near as good as Mix? No. Mix had a decent(not good, I can admit that) year last year playing terribly out of position most of the time. Mix is a classic CM but can also play CDM and CAM if needed there. He is not an outside midfielder or a winger. I remember during the 11 game winless streak how Mix was easily one of our best players with an amazing work rate, but was not necessarily piling up stats because he was always having to work waaaayyyy too hard on defense.

With all that said, I would definitely see a 4-3-3 because that is what Vieira likes, but I think this team would best be utilized running a 5-3-2.


That lineup right there is money. I could also see a 4-5-1 that looks like
Matarrita-------------------------------- Poku

A mod can move this to formation speculation... didn't realize what thread I was in.
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Allright, here's my line-up:


Casillias Johansen Mena Martinez
Poku Brilliant/Noccerino Bravo
Pirlo Lampard

the englishman Mullins Shelton
Mcnamara Jacobson Mix
Matarrita, White, Hernandez, Iraola
I know where are just joshing around on the internet but there is no way that we have a formation with anything other than 4 in the back and Pirlo as a deep lying playmaker. Anyway it will be interesting to see what formation we see in the game tonight.
I know where are just joshing around on the internet but there is no way that we have a formation with anything other than 4 in the back and Pirlo as a deep lying playmaker. Anyway it will be interesting to see what formation we see in the game tonight.
No way? So Vieira was just blow in smoke when he told everyone that his philosophy was going to be getting players in position to succeed as a team, and that could be 3 or 4 at the back? There are a lot of other areas he could have used as an example, by he chose one that is very odd for the league.

Combining everything I heard out of his mouth a couple of weeks ago, I think he definitely wants 4-3-3 long-term. But I think he's going to focus on mentality and purpose, then find his best 11 players and organize them in whatever suits his tactics. If Pirlo needs cover, parking a sweeper CB back there isn't the worst idea, as it frees your attacking talent, letting them have more freedom to leave the Maestro and head upfield. Basically, you end up with a formation that in attack, looks a lot like what Columbus does. We won't attack the same way, but that's what our attacking shape would look like in my mind if we went 3 or 5 (semantics) at the back.
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