Poku, Mullins And Rj To Train With Mancity

Oh, it's LIT! Those boys are going to come back with new weapons in the arsenal and I LOVE IT!
Although I'm sure you will get some panic from folks on here (particularly with respect to Poku), I think it's terrific for these young guys, and can only help with their development. I think it's great news, and the upside of being affiliated with a powerhouse.
In all honesty, my first reaction was why Allen?

I looked up his #'s and I had no idea he's only 25 years old. For whatever reason I was under the impression he was nothing but another 30-something year old guy plugged in to fill a spot (shame on me).

I guess the organization sees something in RJ to give him this opportunity. Good for him.
In all honesty, my first reaction was why Allen?

I looked up his #'s and I had no idea he's only 25 years old. For whatever reason I was under the impression he was nothing but another 30-something year old guy plugged in to fill a spot (shame on me).

I guess the organization sees something in RJ to give him this opportunity. Good for him.
He was one of the most pleasant surprises of the season for me. Early on I remember watching him get torched in the first NYRB game by Lloyd Sam and thinking that he had no chance. Once Iraola and Angelino came, he didn't play much, but when he got back in at the end of the year once Iraola went down, he was really good starting in the Dallas match. I'd love to see them sign a real LB, but would feel pretty good with Allen backing up both spots if Iraola steps up this year or even playing at RB if Iraola isn't better than last year.
In all honesty, my first reaction was why Allen?

I looked up his #'s and I had no idea he's only 25 years old. For whatever reason I was under the impression he was nothing but another 30-something year old guy plugged in to fill a spot (shame on me).

I guess the organization sees something in RJ to give him this opportunity. Good for him.
Yeah, I think he looks a good deal older than he really is. Earlier in the year I also assumed he was in his 30s until finding out his age.
Although I'm sure you will get some panic from folks on here (particularly with respect to Poku), I think it's terrific for these young guys, and can only help with their development. I think it's great news, and the upside of being affiliated with a powerhouse.
Agree and like what this says for our future. I'd like to think we can expect in years ahead that January will mean mini-camp in Man City for our best young talent. That's yet one more very nice enticement for young, developing players to come here.
Early on I remember watching him get torched in the first NJRB game by Lloyd Sam
To be fair though almost anyone could get torched by Lloyd Sam.

I like Allen. He may not turn into an international superstar but he could definitely turn into a good solid player for us for many years. At this point that's all I'm really asking for.
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EOS are saying that McNamara and Taylor are also due to go to Manchester for a few days:


Well it looks like my rule of thumb for hostile media is holding true. If something is a pure net positive expect a hostile media outlet to report just the facts and only the facts.

If these players were from NYRB EOS would be falling over themselves to describe the types of learning experiences that this will offer.
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Well it looks like my rule of thumb for hostile media is holding true. If something is a pure net positive expect a hostile media outlet to report just the facts and only the facts.

If these players were from NJRB EOS would be falling over themselves to describe the types of learning experiences that this will offer.
That's why I've always said that EoS is a hack blog. It presents itself as being unbiased, but the amount of slant could sink a ship.
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Well it looks like my rule of thumb for hostile media is holding true. If something is a pure net positive expect a hostile media outlet to report just the facts and only the facts.

If these players were from NJRB EOS would be falling over themselves to describe the types of learning experiences that this will offer.
Without offering opinion regarding your characterization of the site, what was it about that article that you viewed as negative? I thought it was about as neutral as possible.
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Although I'm sure you will get some panic from folks on here (particularly with respect to Poku), I think it's terrific for these young guys, and can only help with their development. I think it's great news, and the upside of being affiliated with a powerhouse.

This is hilarious, Poku will never be of that caliber. Now we're going to start sounding like Red Bull fans that think anyone that wears their Jersey (latest being Miazga) is world class talent. (People over in NJ want a kings ransom for him like he's Vidic in his prime)

(I'm kidding by the way, I know it was meant more in the "Man City is taking our players" kinda nonsense)
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Matt Miazga will be playing for a team in a Top 5 League by this time in 2017. He's that good right now and in 10 years he is probably the best U.S. defender in American Soccer history.
Without offering opinion regarding your characterization of the site, what was it about that article that you viewed as negative? I thought it was about as neutral as possible.

That's a slight misunderstanding of my point.

1. I treat EOS as media hostile to NYCFC because of previous content I have read on that site.

2. My observations of media have lead me to formulate a personal rule, that a generally hostile media outlet will report something that is purely positive for the target of their hostility in a purely factual manner. Or in a manner that is as neutral as possible.

3. It is due to my perceived character of the site that EOS would report this in a highly neutral manner, because they are unable to spin any negativity out of the story without grand hyperbole unworthy of any news outlet. E.x. This is a sign that Man City is looking at taking Poku from us. While that would be aggravating in the extreme, Poku is no where near the level where man city would ever consider grabbing him, and he is unlikely to ever reach that level.

4. A neutral or friendly media outlet would not simply report the facts, on their website at least, when they are not restricted by total available column inches. There is value add in a journalist talking about either how this can be good for the guys going to Man City or how this ownership group is good for MLS. A journalist already covering MLS should have those facts at their easy command. It should be the work of minutes to create additional value add for this story.