Poku, Mullins And Rj To Train With Mancity

That's a slight misunderstanding of my point.

1. I treat EOS as media hostile to NYCFC because of previous content I have read on that site.

2. My observations of media have lead me to formulate a personal rule, that a generally hostile media outlet will report something that is purely positive for the target of their hostility in a purely factual manner. Or in a manner that is as neutral as possible.

3. It is due to my perceived character of the site that EOS would report this in a highly neutral manner, because they are unable to spin any negativity out of the story without grand hyperbole unworthy of any news outlet. E.x. This is a sign that Man City is looking at taking Poku from us. While that would be aggravating in the extreme, Poku is no where near the level where man city would ever consider grabbing him, and he is unlikely to ever reach that level.

4. A neutral or friendly media outlet would not simply report the facts, on their website at least, when they are not restricted by total available column inches. There is value add in a journalist talking about either how this can be good for the guys going to Man City or how this ownership group is good for MLS. A journalist already covering MLS should have those facts at their easy command. It should be the work of minutes to create additional value add for this story.
Very good explanation. I don't think you are wrong. But I would offer a potential alternative hypothesis to explain the bare-bones, strictly factual nature: the writer didn't feel like it at that particular time. Tired, lazy, hungover, whatever. He just couldn't be "arsed".
Very good explanation. I don't think you are wrong. But I would offer a potential alternative hypothesis to explain the bare-bones, strictly factual nature: the writer didn't feel like it at that particular time. Tired, lazy, hungover, whatever. He just couldn't be "arsed".
I guess that would beg the question of whether or not journalists for particular media outlets tend to more frequently feel hungover, tired, lazy, etc, when covering NYCFC than when covering other teams. I've no dog in this race. Just posing the question.
I guess that would beg the question of whether or not journalists for particular media outlets tend to more frequently feel hungover, tired, lazy, etc, when covering NYCFC than when covering other teams. I've no dog in this race. Just posing the question.
I considered that, but felt that would be a corollary of JGarrettLieb JGarrettLieb 's position. Assumed in my alternative reasoning is an independent variable other than dislike. If we assume dislike as a precedent state of mine, then everything is going to be traced back to dislike.
We would get into discussion similar to what happens if you try to "prove" altruism. It's impossible, so you end up with both sides arguing circularly.

And now I've thought too much about. And I have shit I actually need to do. I need more meds.
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Maybe these guys had nowhere else to go and nothing else to do.
That's a slight misunderstanding of my point.

1. I treat EOS as media hostile to NYCFC because of previous content I have read on that site.

2. My observations of media have lead me to formulate a personal rule, that a generally hostile media outlet will report something that is purely positive for the target of their hostility in a purely factual manner. Or in a manner that is as neutral as possible.

3. It is due to my perceived character of the site that EOS would report this in a highly neutral manner, because they are unable to spin any negativity out of the story without grand hyperbole unworthy of any news outlet. E.x. This is a sign that Man City is looking at taking Poku from us. While that would be aggravating in the extreme, Poku is no where near the level where man city would ever consider grabbing him, and he is unlikely to ever reach that level.

4. A neutral or friendly media outlet would not simply report the facts, on their website at least, when they are not restricted by total available column inches. There is value add in a journalist talking about either how this can be good for the guys going to Man City or how this ownership group is good for MLS. A journalist already covering MLS should have those facts at their easy command. It should be the work of minutes to create additional value add for this story.
I like everything you said except you're forgetting that it's a blog run by a bunch of bloggers and not journalists.
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I love the conspiracies that some of you guys see into. Jose Mourinho would be proud.

Please point out the conspiracies that you think we see into.

The only thing I've seen in this thread is reasonable discussion amongst peers; highly reasonable discussion especially when you consider we're discussing sports on the Internet.
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Matt Miazga will be playing for a team in a Top 5 League by this time in 2017. He's that good right now and in 10 years he is probably the best U.S. defender in American Soccer history.

True, he might be the best ever, that explains why our country's team hasn't made any measurable progress in 15 years. He wiffed at so many balls last year, that the only explanation for his hype is blind faith by those starving for the next American great.

But back on topic, I agree with T Tom in Fairfield CT If they plan on implementing this as a formal training method, they should have a bigger chunk of the team over there and for a "longer" time period to actually make it significant.
True, he might be the best ever, that explains why our country's team hasn't made any measurable progress in 15 years. He wiffed at so many balls last year, that the only explanation for his hype is blind faith by those starving for the next American great.

But back on topic, I agree with T Tom in Fairfield CT If they plan on implementing this as a formal training method, they should have a bigger chunk of the team over there and for a "longer" time period to actually make it significant.
Not disagreeing with you, but those going over are training with the U-21 MCFC team. Being subjected to training with youngsters is below Lampard, Villa, Pirlo, and even Iraola. Mix and Shelton are with the USMNT. It's been reported that at least 5 guys are headed over, so that's 11 players accounted for from the roster. Our goalkeepers and the 5-6 30+ year old players will probably train together here.
