I don't want to rain on your parade but, you can't seriously think that our outrage is going to change anything the higher ups do.
On a more positive note, I really do like this petition.
Obviously ownership is not going to just jump and listen every time anyone complains about something, but enough continuous attention being paid to certain issues and fans being consistent with their complaints have the potential to at least ease in change. Nothing changes over night, but making ourselves heard can possibly lead to some changes over time (even if they're very gradual).
It's kind of like at West Ham (Full disclosure, I'm a West Ham fan)... over the course of last year there were protests in the stands, complaints through all channels and a campaign to let the owners know the style/tactics of play we were seeing were awful, we felt the transfer market had been handled in an awful manner and ultimately that people wanted Big Sam fired.
While Big Sam hasn't been fired, the team hired on a retired West Ham favorite to specifically coach our strikers to build a more attacking style of play and the team was more active in the transfer window before the season than I can recall in recent memory, signing some great players that have performed well. It has also been acknowledged that a lot of the tweaks in how the club has been doing things this year are a direct result of the massive outcries from the fans over the last season. This season, though we're in a slide over this holiday season, has been far and away better than last year so we're seeing some tangible results.
Sure, some said the entire time last year that the fans voicing their concerns were bad fans or disloyal or whatever... but actually they were voicing their opinions on what they thought their beloved club needed to do to get better. That's just being honest, rather than sycophantic.
Sure, some people say that the team would have made improvements without all of the complaining in the first place, but I'm certain that the will of the fans at least informed (and in a positive way) how West Ham handled their off season, even if they were already going to make changes after the season ended.
Anyway, that's a long, drawn out way of saying that it actually is important that people who are concerned about how this has all gone down (which, appears to be most fans and/or potential fans that did not become interested in NYCFC because of previous Man City loyalties in the first place). Even if they appear tone deaf, and even if they do continue to ignore us publicly, they really do hear us... at least to some degree.
Calling ticket agents, signing petitions, speaking out (especially constructively, noting why what they did was ridiculous and explaining better ways to handle business, etc) via message boards, social media, etc are all very much good ways to express displeasure and show the team that while we do want to support them, we also have concerns about how things are being handled and want to express those concerns. It's not a sign of a being a bad fan, or being disloyal, heck... I see it as quite the opposite.