RBNJ Postmatch

The Mena and Brillant bashing is pretty brutal when you consider how little the midfield did to help them out. Thought they did about as well as could be expected when the opponent was running at them completely unchecke up the middle.
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Both teams played in the heat.
Yes i know i watched it!! But did anybody pick up on that the Red Bulls people said they gave they're team heat training ?? What's That?? Looks like P V didn't give our boy's that even though they train outside. Why don't they have cooling mist fans on the side lines ? Or maybe not be as intense with the warm ups!! It's warm enough out there. Or maybe even further still have them do some things in side if they can! Do we want them to drop dead no matter what or how ever fit they are? Look at healthy people who run and bike that end up in emergency rooms. So how is it for those who run from one end of the pitch to another for 90 plus. So i ask again heat or luck?
I was sitting behind a goal and didn't have a good perspective on the offsides calls. Did PV (and Villa?) get upset over nothing or were there blown offsides calls?
Vieria has no clue. A youth soccer coach promote to the MLS. Still think he needs to go.

You've made five posts. Four have been about Vieira not being MLS caliber coach. The other post was entering a contest.

If you're Jason Kreis, you already have a job in Orlando that you should be concerned about. If you're just a troll, New Jersey has better swamp-like conditions suited for your kind.
I made the mistake of going today. I'm actually quite surprised about how much hate and anger I had towards their fans, club & coach. Also, I would have paid $1,000 just to have the opportunity to square up against Marsch. I was right behind their bench. The guy was a whiny little bitch all game. I almost left just cause I couldn't tolerate it anymore. Again, surprised I got that worked up about it.

To the game. The whole team played bad. You can't point your finger at one guy. I understand that Viera wants Lampard to play an attacking role, but against a physical team you can't leave Pirlo & Iraola there to cover that whole middle. Today was the day to sit one of them.

The back 4 was atrocious. There is no way to gain possession if our back 4 can't control the ball. But...the whole team shit the bed. The Red Bulls beat us to every ball, we lost almost every header, we turned the ball over constantly, nothing worked.

Jason couldn't settle on anything, now we go
to the other extreme and Patrick won't budge.
#TheCityRemembers that Marsch is a whiny, pussy ass bitch. In the words of renowned poet Big Sean...

Let's see if Don Garber has the balls to suspend or fine our boy Vieira
So PV is complaining about how somebody else's complaints affected the refereeing, is that at all hypocritical? Or is that an underhanded way to affect next week's referees? Who knows. I actually don't feel like PV handled the post-match conference all that well. Maybe there is some advantage he seeks to gain from distracting the public attention from the actual footballing shortcomings of our team today.

Anyway, from what I could gather, his theory is that the poor offside calls robbed us of our game plan (stay compact, hit them on the break). That may be true, but even if the referees didn't ruin that game plan, any number of other things might have (pressure on the midfield made it impossible to get our head up and find the outlet pass, for instance). Whether it's the heat, or tired, old legs, or dodgy refs, we need to have a Plan B for matches like this.

Maybe this is how Mix will work his way back into the team. Or maybe we'll land a true winger who gives us the option of dropping McNamara back into an attacking midfield role, where he'll invariably run his bollocks off and give us a lot more midfield movement and defensive cover than we saw today.
Watching Vieira's post game presser today I was trying to spot the ball bearings and waiting for him to mention strawberries.
Four things I took from the game:

I'm never getting excited to see a clash between Red and Blue again. Im taking an indifferent approach emotionally and mentally from now on. Better to not get too worked up.

Holy Golazo. I haven't been the biggest Tmac advocate but that was by far the best goal in Club history. Tmac sure likes scoring against the Pink cows too.

If it means the we must lose almost every derby game in order to be in first place in the conference I'd always bite the bullet. In PV we trust.

I'm not looking forward to the Colorado game.
Marsch is living inside PV's head. That's nothing to be proud of.

That's not what I got out of it at all. PV said exactly what loads of people here have said all week. Marsch does whine a lot -- he whined about the Twitter picture, he whined about the referees after a game where his players made dangerous tackles all game without punishment ... I think it's refreshing to hear a coach say stuff like this, especially when there's a lot of truth to the statement.
The problem isn't that we played poorly or that we didn't play with enough energy or anything like that. The problem is that the press is the natural counter to the possession based game we play.

If you're a pressing team like the Red Bulls it's easy to push your forwards up and your midfielders up while NYC is building from the back to create an overload in their defensive third. That forces NYC to bring the rest of their outfield players back to counter the overload of the Red Bulls. All of those players compacted into that small playing area results in a lot of turn-overs which benefit the high energy pressing of the Red Bulls.

In order to create space in a game against a pressing team you can play long balls over the press to your attacking players for a counter. This should force the pressers to keep their back line back. This would also force the pressers' midfield in the middle third instead of in your defensive third and would thus relieve the overload. Either that or it would leave a space between the midfield and the back line which would also be beneficial.

The problem we have is that our only ball playing defender is RJ Allen who plays in a wide position which makes him very susceptible to pressing because he really has only direction he can go if he needs a quick outlet. If he does manage to outlet the ball it goes to Mena or Brillant or Saunders. If we had a proper sweeper keeper we could let him launch balls over the press and effectively use him as an extra man when building out of the back. That might be a compelling argument for a DP goalie. For now we have to wait and see how Chanot turns out.

The route-one approach, though, is really only a hotfix. It forces us to play in a style that ignores the strengths of the team we put together to play our possession based play style. This lack of plan B when facing a press has been a recurring problem with tiki-taka and all of it's imitators. Like when Bayern plays Leverkusen. Thankfully this is MLS and Jesse Marsch isn't Roger Schmidt so we probably don't have to worry about a team executing the press so well that we can't beat it in the future.
That's not what I got out of it at all. PV said exactly what loads of people here have said all week. Marsch does whine a lot -- he whined about the Twitter picture, he whined about the referees after a game where his players made dangerous tackles all game without punishment ... I think it's refreshing to hear a coach say stuff like this, especially when there's a lot of truth to the statement.
1. Vieira got himself thrown out during a water break.
2. His team subsequently lost control.
3. A coach should be better than his own fans who whine self-righteously about another coach's whining and don't even realize they sound ridiculous whining about whining.