Share Your "eating Experiences" At Eateries Around Yankee Stadium

Someone has been promoting the merits of Carl's Steaks cheese steak sandwiches in other threads, and noting the location in Section 107. I want to reiterate their quality, and also note there is a second location at section 223. It is a lot more convenient if you are on the Main Level, especially if you are on the left field side of the stadium.
The downside is that it is a freestanding cart, so they do not offer either the MasterCard discount or STH card discount. I am pretty sure there is no beer, so you have to go to another cart for that. SO there are tradeoffs and it's up to you.
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I had one of these yesterday...


Its in near the carls in section 223, grand slam burger. Those are fried mac and cheese things that look like nuggets.
Umm... We don't have home matches on either Memorial Day weekend or 4th of July. You sure you understand what a tailgate is?

And I'm not making mine into a big thing either. I'll show up with beers and Q a little, probably just start with dogs to keep it easy. If others start showing up too so be it. Thank HoOty I don't need donations for such things, but I appreciate for he offers.

I believe there is a separate tailgate thread on here. Best thing to do is coordinate there. Those are other people with cars who will be parking and grilling too. Don't feel shy to come on by pre-match, if we get it going it should be fun :)

I have been out of the loop for the past 2 weeks. Spent 3 hours searching for this thread, just when I was about to give up, found it. Well Mr. Regular keep me posted it about the tailgate party, although this weather is not much fun. If you don't mind I suggest to have it when one of the games start at 5 pm. I don' t feel comfortable being around YS area late night especially with the latest news about the ultras, police arrest and fans climbing elevated train post and what such...actually it was shocking news to me reading it on the forum. :eek:.
After the games, and I leave YS, it all looks calm to me but then I don't stay around.
YS Carls Steaks are average at best. Nothing compares to the old location on 3rd ave ! I haven't tried one of their new food trucks but I am sure its not the old cheesesteak !
Just a vegan's perspective - all cheese steaks suck compared to the roast pork italian at the reading terminal market in philly.

I have been out of the loop for the past 2 weeks. Spent 3 hours searching for this thread, just when I was about to give up, found it. Well Mr. Regular keep me posted it about the tailgate party, although this weather is not much fun. If you don't mind I suggest to have it when one of the games start at 5 pm. I don' t feel comfortable being around YS area late night especially with the latest news about the ultras, police arrest and fans climbing elevated train post and what such...actually it was shocking news to me reading it on the forum. :eek:.
After the games, and I leave YS, it all looks calm to me but then I don't stay around.

HAHA!!!! They you will hate hanging out with my group of friends! We're the one's getting arrested. But it's actually all BS, if you take the time to watch the videos the cops just pull some people out of the crowd for no reason at all. Not sure why you're so afraid. Have you ever been threatened by anyone inside or outside Yankee Stadium? I don't see how fans cheering on their team or even climbing a train post can feel like a threat of any kind. Are you worried the person on the post is planing on jumping on you? Have you heard of any fights or violence outside the dugout pre or post match? From what I've witnessed it's just some drumming and singing and good old fashion revelry.
As a pescatarian who occasionally eats bacon...this was new last week and I had to give it a try. It was ironically placed next to the fruit stand on the 100 level - those apples didn't stand a chance.

HAHA!!!! They you will hate hanging out with my group of friends! We're the one's getting arrested. But it's actually all BS, if you take the time to watch the videos the cops just pull some people out of the crowd for no reason at all. Not sure why you're so afraid. Have you ever been threatened by anyone inside or outside Yankee Stadium? I don't see how fans cheering on their team or even climbing a train post can feel like a threat of any kind. Are you worried the person on the post is planing on jumping on you? Have you heard of any fights or violence outside the dugout pre or post match? From what I've witnessed it's just some drumming and singing and good old fashion revelry.

LOL!! you are the one climbing train post! Must be the frustrations of our team results, that for sure can make anyone feel like climbing the walls, especially when the team allows those goals in the last 1-2 minutes before the ref blows the whistle

All kidding aside, absolutely never been threatened or feel scared inside the stadium,there too many security inside and outside . Nor seen or heard of any act of violence or disorderly conduct from any fan inside or outside . I think we NYCFC fans are one of the most well behaved, from my observation of other fans in other countries. Actually what makes it a little eerie is the dead silence sometimes in the stadium while the game is on that is hard to believe there are 25 thousand plus souls in the stadium. Just as you stated above , the same thing I have witnessed , good old fashioned revelry.

This is why I was so surprised hearing about the arrest and the cops in the forum here and in the the Spanish news mentioned the concern of Ultras groups infiltration in the stadium's in the US. I think it is the media that is making it bigger to give Football a bad reputation. At the WC USA 94 the American mainstream media was doing that.

As for concerns about my safety ,Its just my New Yorker survival instinct that kicks in at night time.
LOL!! you are the one climbing train post! Must be the frustrations of our team results, that for sure can make anyone feel like climbing the walls, especially when the team allows those goals in the last 1-2 minutes before the ref blows the whistle

All kidding aside, absolutely never been threatened or feel scared inside the stadium,there too many security inside and outside . Nor seen or heard of any act of violence or disorderly conduct from any fan inside or outside . I think we NYCFC fans are one of the most well behaved, from my observation of other fans in other countries. Actually what makes it a little eerie is the dead silence sometimes in the stadium while the game is on that is hard to believe there are 25 thousand plus souls in the stadium. Just as you stated above , the same thing I have witnessed , good old fashioned revelry.

This is why I was so surprised hearing about the arrest and the cops in the forum here and in the the Spanish news mentioned the concern of Ultras groups infiltration in the stadium's in the US. I think it is the media that is making it bigger to give Football a bad reputation. At the WC USA 94 the American mainstream media was doing that.

As for concerns about my safety ,Its just my New Yorker survival instinct that kicks in at night time.

Personally, I don't climb anything. Too old and out of shape to attempt that. Glad you realize it's actually very safe and our SG's are not threatening. Don't worry about the night. We'll have a crowd and a fire. From my camping experience, that tends to keep the animals at bay.
Heard that there is a MasterCard discount at the stadium? Is this true? How much is it and where is it offered?
Heard that there is a MasterCard discount at the stadium? Is this true? How much is it and where is it offered?

I know you can get a free drink with certain meals and $3 off combo meals but I'm not sure which of the concession stands offer this.
Personally, I don't climb anything. Too old and out of shape to attempt that. Glad you realize it's actually very safe and our SG's are not threatening. Don't worry about the night. We'll have a crowd and a fire. From my camping experience, that tends to keep the animals at bay.

Great if it also keeps the 4 legged as well as 2 legged kind.
Heard that there is a MasterCard discount at the stadium? Is this true? How much is it and where is it offered?

There is a discount when you purchase at YS stores for clothing or sport items . When you pay you show them your season ticket tag. You got to remember to do this because the cashier will not ask you. Last home game I bought a T- shirt and showed them my STH tag to check if it was true and I got the 10% discount , I believe is also includes food.
I have bought food and got no discount but since I had no idea about the discount , I never asked. On next food purchase I plan to ask for it.
The Hard Rock Cafe in YS does not have discount - they just have a reward card to apply.
@413Blue and @TabascoDiva
The STH discount is only at the big concession windows. It is not applicable at free standing kiosk concessions.
In addition, there is a 5% Master Card discount, again only at the big window places. They have a sign up advertising the discount. No sign, no discount. And specify and ask for both. Don't just hand the service person your MC and expect it to be applied automatically. Also not applicable to booze.
@413Blue and @TabascoDiva
The STH discount is only at the big concession windows. It is not applicable at free standing kiosk concessions.
In addition, there is a 5% Master Card discount, again only at the big window places. They have a sign up advertising the discount. No sign, no discount. And specify and ask for both. Don't just hand the service person your MC and expect it to be applied automatically. Also not applicable to booze.

Where did you hear that about the kiosks? Matches my experience but I don't remember reading that anywhere. When I complained to the ticket reps about it they didn't mention that rule either.
Where did you hear that about the kiosks? Matches my experience but I don't remember reading that anywhere. When I complained to the ticket reps about it they didn't mention that rule either.
Discount is available at the following locations:

  • Concessions: All permanent concessions stands. Portable stands are excluded.
  • Merchandise: Section 119 Main Store, Gate 6 Team Store, New Era Team Store on the 200 Level, and the New Era Women’s Team Store. Discount is not valid at any portable or program vendor locations.
@413Blue and @TabascoDiva
The STH discount is only at the big concession windows. It is not applicable at free standing kiosk concessions.
In addition, there is a 5% Master Card discount, again only at the big window places. They have a sign up advertising the discount. No sign, no discount. And specify and ask for both. Don't just hand the service person your MC and expect it to be applied automatically. Also not applicable to booze.

I was told you can't get both discounts -- were you able to pull it off?