
Damn. That's an impressive crowd. Good on them. The 'I Believe' chant was a little cringey though. After all the AO / USMNT hullabaloo I feel like that chant should be offlimits.Holy crap!
I thought it was cool that Kaka was rooting for the USA and getting all into the chant.Damn. That's an impressive crowd. Good on them. The 'I Believe' chant was a little cringey though. After all the AO / USMNT hullabaloo I feel like that chant should be offlimits.
Damn. That's an impressive crowd. Good on them. The 'I Believe' chant was a little cringey though. After all the AO / USMNT hullabaloo I feel like that chant should be offlimits.