The First Meet 5/17. Reaction Thread


Seasoned Supporter
Just wanna see what everyone thought.

Anythimg mentioned that might have deserved more attention? Thoughts on the names to be voted? Petitions for a position on the board? Anything you want to talk about?
Email your vote with your name to

The five choices are

New Amsterdam Army

Third Rail

S.C.N.Y. (New York's Loudest)

The Natives

Blue Army or something Blue... idk. Wasn't on my radar at all.

I did have an issue with a bunch of stuff being decided without having a chance to give input (like the Mission Statement, drums, etc) Not that I had an issue with the decisions, but not happy with the process and that this was decided by the select few who got a head start on the group.
I thought it was a good start and a decent showing of people. It was disorganized and started really late which was very disappointing. I would think that the leaders of this group would have more of a handle on all of it. I know there are a lot of different opinions on how things should be run. I myself don't agree with everything but I see it this way:

1. This isn't the officials supporters club so nothing is being forced on anyone. Just as we support a team with no players we choose to join a supporters club that has no identity yet.

2. You can't please everyone. The great thing is people can create another supporters club if they really believe in another direction. If a group of people really want drums they can bring drums for their own section/supporters group. I hate drums personally but who is going to stop someone from bringing them?

3. Somebody has to call the shots in the beginning to get things moving so I appreciate the innitiative and hardwork. (Even if I don't agree with everything..actually I am more confused after the meeting in how everything is supposed to be run so not sure what to think.)

So, even if I don't agree with everything I will do my part to help the best I can. I'll follow the lead of the board members and trust them to move us forward. If I find that it's not worth it after sometime maybe I will do my own thing haha.
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First, I'm happy they included SCNY in the list of names. Talking to some of the people that showed up SCNY seems to be a heavy favorite.

I like the idea of the board members having 2 year term limits. However, I think that Board could have done more to include the input of the supporters in naming who's who. A good example, who is Chance Michaels? and why is he so important. He's well spoken, he carries himself with respect he seems like a likeable person, but who is he? He's not on the Forums, I haven't seen any presence on the FB group or twitter? Yet he's the leader?

I'm not sure I'm crazy about the Community Outreach project they've decided to pursue either.
It's a soccer ball that acts as a battery. Kick the ball, energy is "created", plug in your iphone so it can charge for 20 minutes. I'd rather the members of the SG choose a project to get behind. Instead of investing money in someone's kickstarter, why not sponsor a Youth Soccer team? Why not hold a drive where we can provide uniforms or equipment to underprivileged children so they can play in a league? Why not find empty lots that could house a proper soccer field for kids? Anything other than throwing money at a kickstarter.

I like that they chose to have an umbrella group: which the voting will be for. As I understand the umbrella group will be free. The SG/FB Group will be a paid membership group and I guess a name is TBD?

I don't care for the Sheikh caricature though. Blackface is Blackface. It makes us look bad and will project a very dangerous image to NYC FC and the ownership. Imagine this: An image of Andy is leaked to the news and it's found that NYC FC is a breeding ground for racism. The SG becomes banned immediately. We are a laughing stock of MLS. Who knows, maybe the liason between NYCFC and the SG is fired too, because how can he allow a group of racists to actively mock the leadership of City Football Group. @zl10 @BToto920 please consider this.
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I also don't know how I feel about this. Seems pretty racist to me.

I also don't know how I feel about this. Seems pretty racist to me.

I edited my above comment. but i'm c/p'ing here.
"I don't care for the Sheikh caricature though. Blackface is Blackface. It makes us look bad and will project a very dangerous image to NYC FC and the ownership. Imagine this: An image of Andy is leaked to the news and it's found that NYC FC is a breeding ground for racism. The SG becomes banned immediately. We are a laughing stock of MLS. Who knows, maybe the liason between NYCFC and the SG is fired too, because how can he allow a group of racists to actively mock the leadership of City Football Group. @@zl10@@BToto920please consider this."
There is a certain lack of professionalism and maturity within the SG, and it really begins at the top. From the incessant RBNY and Cosmos bashing, to the lack of transparency in the way some of the crucial organizational decisions were made (this was pointed out in the meeting), to the Sheikh costume, to the organization of the "website", to the content and quality of the posts on said website, it does not look like an organization that our city and our club can be proud of.

I am extremely disappointed. Hopefully the more professional members of the leadership take notice and make some adjustments, rather than attack the people who point out the flaws (as was done to the person who pointed out the problem with the Sheikh on FB). If not, there are always term limits, hopefully in 2 years we get some more responsible leadership.
Did people that attended enjoy themselves.. ?

We might discuss different subjects and have different views but in the end the lasting impression will be about it being a good night out or not
Did people that attended enjoy themselves.. ?

We might discuss different subjects and have different views but in the end the lasting impression will be about it being a good night out or not
For me, I left satisfied. Of course there are issues I have, but overall I think it was a success. I have faith in most of the leadership. I believe in what they are doing. I got the feeling that most in attendance felt the meeting was a success.
Did people that attended enjoy themselves.. ?

We might discuss different subjects and have different views but in the end the lasting impression will be about it being a good night out or not
I was not there, but my impression was that there was a very positive feeling of camaraderie, etc.

Which is a good thing.

Having not attended, my point of reference is limited, but the SG seems too much like a bunch of party-animals looking for a good time, rather than a stable organization. It sure is fun to hang out with them, but is that really the most important thing?
There is a certain lack of professionalism and maturity within the SG, and it really begins at the top. From the incessant RBNY and Cosmos bashing, to the lack of transparency in the way some of the crucial organizational decisions were made (this was pointed out in the meeting), to the Sheikh costume, to the organization of the "website", to the content and quality of the posts on said website, it does not look like an organization that our city and our club can be proud of.

I am extremely disappointed. Hopefully the more professional members of the leadership take notice and make some adjustments, rather than attack the people who point out the flaws (as was done to the person who pointed out the problem with the Sheikh on FB). If not, there are always term limits, hopefully in 2 years we get some more responsible leadership.

I completely and totally agree. The immaturity and organizational chaos has been driving me away from the supporters aspect of the team for a while now. I completely unsubscribed from the Facebook group because it was rapidly becoming a black hole of ridiculous commentary and frat guy bravado. I'm drifting more and more toward casual fan who will watch the games and root for the team over supporter's club member. It's just not for me, unfortunately.
I completely and totally agree. The immaturity and organizational chaos has been driving me away from the supporters aspect of the team for a while now. I completely unsubscribed from the Facebook group because it was rapidly becoming a black hole of ridiculous commentary. I'm drifting more and more toward casual fan who will watch the games and root for the team over supporter's club member. It's just not for me, unfortunately.
I agree completely. I wish there was an alternative option in which we could be part of the singing and fun on gameday without being associated with those people. The worst part is that the SG is so sensitive and defensive to constructive criticism that I fear they will never mature into an organization I can be proud of. Honestly, if I had the time/will I would try making a different SG for people looking to support the team without any of the stupid shenanigans going on over there with the FB group.
I agree completely. I wish there was an alternative option in which we could be part of the singing and fun on gameday without being associated with those people. The worst part is that the SG is so sensitive and defensive to constructive criticism that I fear they will never mature into an organization I can be proud of. Honestly, if I had the time/will I would try making a different SG for people looking to support the team without any of the stupid shenanigans going on over there with the FB group.

Do you know how they went about selecting the board? Was there a vote for candidates at the first meeting? I haven't had a chance to watch the stream yet.
Oh there will be room for everyone no doubt.. It´s mainly this pre-seasonal stage where people try to start something from scratch that is perhaps a bit chaotic but that was to be expected really.

Myself I don´t see this absolute need for a SG as the natural order of things but as long as people enjoy it they are welcome, everyone will enjoy a good (hopefully) atmosphere if we get it in order.
As far as I could tell, if someone wanted a board position, he/she could have it. Regardless of qualifications, public opinion, etc. First-come first-serve.
Hey guys, sorry I missed out on the meeting. I really had hoped to get a chance to meet those who I missed at the Q&A at FF. (I got caught up in a little FA Cup/ NY Rangers celebration :D)

I did catch the stream and it seemed well intentioned if not a bit disorganized, which is expected. I would certainly be open to another meeting in the near future to get into more specifics and possibly to ask more questions.

My suggestion would be having the next meeting with a more formal, board meeting/shareholder structure .
Pubs and pub culture is fine for pre gaming and pep rallying but when you are asking potential supporters to hand over money and share their time, the setting, structure, and tone set really matter. We have plenty of time for shenanigans, which I look forward to;);), but the tone in meetings should be held as if NYCFC were in the room with us.

It's only the first meeting and like the rest of you guys/gals I'm just a fan who wants to be part of something great that I'm proud to attach my time and effort to. It's a start and I'm excited to see how it evolves.
I agree completely. I wish there was an alternative option in which we could be part of the singing and fun on gameday without being associated with those people. The worst part is that the SG is so sensitive and defensive to constructive criticism that I fear they will never mature into an organization I can be proud of. Honestly, if I had the time/will I would try making a different SG for people looking to support the team without any of the stupid shenanigans going on over there with the FB group.
Don't let the whole Facebook group reflect on whats going on. There are over 700 people in that group and with that many people there are going to be conflicting ideas of course.