The First Meet 5/17. Reaction Thread

In fairness, this is the same thing from the kickstarter and not much different than what I described. I've got no issue supporting this cause, but if I had a choice I'd prefer something more community oriented. Something local to NYC.
The plan is to do both. New York City is a global city and should respond in kind. We are the center of the world and the world is always focused on what it is that New York does. If NYC's football supporters respond in kind, a local charity and a global one, what's the issue?
We will designate two charities every year, one global and one local to New York City. I totally understand what you're saying, einwindir, and agree. Being good members of the community means supporting and investing in that community, and it's possible that our local charity could be much along those lines.
The plan is to do both. New York City is a global city and should respond in kind. We are the center of the world and the world is always focused on what it is that New York does. If NYC's football supporters respond in kind, a local charity and a global one, what's the issue?
It's never been mentioned that the SG will pursue two charities.
Then that's totally my fault, and I'm sorry for that. I ran very late to the last meeting, and although Zach and Brian covered admirably, my tardiness caused the meeting to be a little disjointed. But it has been the plan since the beginning to have the two charities.
Then that's totally my fault, and I'm sorry for that. I ran very late to the last meeting, and although Zach and Brian covered admirably, my tardiness caused the meeting to be a little disjointed. But it has been the plan since the beginning to have the two charities.

One of the questions at the event that wasn't really answered was whether we will be doing anything (that is either officially or unofficially) to support or promote the club's individual charitable efforts?
Will we coordinate, and adopt their charities as our own? I don't know.

Will we promote and attend their fundraisers? I would expect so.
I mean why not put money into a local cause if the objective is to promote ourselves/the club in the local communities
A simple solution would be a vote of confidence. Not a position by position vote. And hell it can happen months from now.

@bxbomberny this sums up my opinion. Just a thumbs up/thumbs down vote of confidence. As soon as you do that, this conversation doesn't exist anymore and we can move forward.
I love the idea of supporting a local team. Maybe we can join forces with the SGs of Melbourne, Japan, China and MCFC and find a global soccer organization to support together?
My two cents:
First thing is first, kudos to those who are attempting to put together a supporters organization. Having been a part of student government in the past as well as founding several club organizations I know it is time consuming hard work. That being said I loathe politics. The word politician is four letters in my book. But if one is to attempt to organize a club with meaningful effort, one should use as a base, "Robert's Rules of Order". This can be a slippery slope but one need not be bogged down in (what I like to call) "bureaucratic bulls@#!". Use what works and discard the rest. Every meeting should have an agenda clearly stated to the membership before each meeting. Next, leadership should be properly voted on. Yes, it is possible for those that began the endeavor to lose an election, but if the founders are not willing to put a vote of trust in its membership, why should the members trust the leadership? Let alone purport to represent a discussion in matters of finance. Respect of all members/potential members should be of paramount concern. Each NYCFC fan should be respected for celebrating/supporting in their own way. Whether this entails watching matches at the stadium or watching on television in their homes, apartments or bars. Although there will be differences of opinion in matters of conduct, each of us is a member of a unique fan base. There are many things that need to be discussed before entertaining ideas of community activism. While it is a noble endeavor, it should not be of initial paramount concern. This type of discussion should flow organically from the dynamic nature of NYCFC's diverse fan base. Although there will be differences of opinion in matters of conduct, each of us is a member of a unique group. We are a fan base so enthusiastic in its support of a New York City based Football Club, we overlook the trivial details of not even have a team roster. What an extraordinary bunch of fans we are indeed. This is just one of the many examples of what makes the NYCFC fan base so characteristically representative of not only New York City, but America itself. Ok, I think I have rambled on enough, hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend. Go NYCFC!

Here is an excerpt from Theodore Roosevelt's speech, "Citizenship In a Republic" :
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
My two cents:
First thing is first, kudos to those who are attempting to put together a supporters organization. Having been a part of student government in the past as well as founding several club organizations I know it is time consuming hard work. That being said I loathe politics. The word politician is four letters in my book. But if one is to attempt to organize a club with meaningful effort, one should use as a base, "Robert's Rules of Order". This can be a slippery slope but one need not be bogged down in (what I like to call) "bureaucratic bulls@#!". Use what works and discard the rest. Every meeting should have an agenda clearly stated to the membership before each meeting. Next, leadership should be properly voted on. Yes, it is possible for those that began the endeavor to lose an election, but if the founders are not willing to put a vote of trust in its membership, why should the members trust the leadership? Let alone purport to represent a discussion in matters of finance. Respect of all members/potential members should be of paramount concern. Each NYCFC fan should be respected for celebrating/supporting in their own way. Whether this entails watching matches at the stadium or watching on television in their homes, apartments or bars. Although there will be differences of opinion in matters of conduct, each of us is a member of a unique fan base. There are many things that need to be discussed before entertaining ideas of community activism. While it is a noble endeavor, it should not be of initial paramount concern. This type of discussion should flow organically from the dynamic nature of NYCFC's diverse fan base. Although there will be differences of opinion in matters of conduct, each of us is a member of a unique group. We are a fan base so enthusiastic in its support of a New York City based Football Club, we overlook the trivial details of not even have a team roster. What an extraordinary bunch of fans we are indeed. This is just one of the many examples of what makes the NYCFC fan base so characteristically representative of not only New York City, but America itself. Ok, I think I have rambled on enough, hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend. Go NYCFC!

Here is an excerpt from Theodore Roosevelt's speech, "Citizenship In a Republic" :
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
This should be included in the Supporters Club Charter, if there is such a thing.
Thank you, Alex B. I really appreciate your input (and the quote from Teddy!).

Just to address a couple of the issues you raise, respect is indeed paramount. I don't think we've ever implied that there is only one way to support the club.

We will absolutely have meeting agendas released in advance, even if only an outline. And, of course, there will be an opportunity for members to raise their own issues at the meetings. I hope to have the next public meeting scheduled and announced this weekend.

As for a vote, I agree that it's essential to have leadership elected by the membership base. And that's exactly what we're working towards. I don't know exactly when we will schedule elections, but they will come.