The First Meet 5/17. Reaction Thread

I know I am Monday morning quarterbacking, however it's important to point out a few things. The way the board was chosen was "we were here first, if you don't like it, wait two years." Sound. What should have happened was was the members who did the original organization should have created the framework for an election, instead of putting themselves on top.

The Sheik thing is not right. Let RBNY OR Cosmos send that to deadspin, we no longer exist. I don't give a shit of whether or not you agree with it, but that is what it is. The lack of perspective on this issue by the leadership is SHOCKING.

I will be sticking around. I want to see this through. I have faith that we will mature as a group.
I did not feel welcomed at the meeting. I know the SG is supposed to be open to all but there is already a really strong culture of being bro's and "fuck all" culture. I am fine with rowdiness and I myself will probably partake in the future but I think it was a really bad look for the first meeting. If the response is "grow up and don't be a bitch" then maybe this group really isn't open to everyone.

Do I fit it now with that culture? I don't know. I just want to support my team with fellow fans, sing together in the stands and not have to feel like I need to be a bro.

I get that we should let the group grow organically. But then what makes it different from just a bunch of guys who want to sing and get rowdy? Don't get me wrong, every group needs these guys. They bring the energy and the spirit to keep the SG going. But I think leadership should be taken very seriously, which includes representing the brand of the SG. I don't know how a single part of the mission statement of the SG was observed during that meeting.

I'm not trying to pick a fight. I really want this thing to grow and become something special. Having a professional identity with real meetings, votes and leadership can really take this somewhere. There needs to be a single voice coming from the organization. That voice should always consider the professionalism of the group. I am willing to help in any way possible if anyone who calls the shots reads this.

Edit/ I should say that some of the board member's were friendly and helpful. The overall environment/the people who seemed to be the original members were not very welcoming.
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I really wanted to attend this meeting, but was unable to at the last minute.

It's disheartening to read some of the comments posted so far in here and on Facebook about the meet up. We should get going to turn things around and build the SG once, the right way. The number one thing I do not want to see is segregated supporters sections like at Red Bull Arena - it's exclusive and political. If we start drifting that way, I'm afraid I'll be sitting with @Joename and the casual fans supporting my team without SG affiliation.

My two cents on the meeting:
  1. Ditto the comment about a more formal setting for future official meetings - let's get serious and build something we can be proud to present to the professionals over at NYCFC, the MLS, CONCACAF, and the International Soccer Community. The World's Greatest City deserves only the best.
  2. Loose the Shiek costume - totally inappropriate and a huge RED FLAG the self-appointed leadership did not do so much as to raise a concern here.
I hope to be more involved as my schedule allows, and look forward to growing the SG together. It's going to take all of us as one to make the atmosphere we all want to be a part of in March.

We can do great things here. Let's get to work.
Guys, it was the first meeting. There are going to be hic ups. I do get some peoples concern about how the board members were picked. I work on the board, and it was formed by people who saw an chance to try and make something out of the poison that has become the FB group. If you guys would like a moral formal election, if it became a real issue, Im sure Zach, Brian, and Chance would more than welcome a more formal election before the season starts.

As for the "rowdy drinkers", I am guilty of that. I now get drinking and singing isn't everyones cup of tea. From the people I know, thats a big part of the culture, but to each his own. You dont want to drink with me thats fine, you dont want to sing anti RB or Philly songs, thats fine too. All I want is for everyone in the supporters section in unison. If you support NYC FC you're ok in my book. So instead of saying some of the board were "unfriendly", come up to me and say hello, Im a rather nice guy once you get to know me.

The Shiek issue was a joke that went a bit far. It was never the intention to offend anyone as most offensive things start, it was just supposed to be a humorous effigy of our owner. I assure you, he wont be coming back. You're not going to please everyone, and that happens in any organization, but give it chance, it could become something, or it might not....same with our team. I hope more of you will make another meeting. Everyone is just trying to find their own place, in the sky blue void, and people learn from their mistakes.
As someone who is completely and 100% new to supporters, supporters culture, and being a bonafide not from a distance soccer fan....

What changes do you want to see in regards to the "rowdy frat boy" scene? Honest question because... when I think of only standing and never sitting... I think of people who are drinking and having a great time. If that's not what you're looking for, then what exactly are you looking for?

I'm not condemning one way or the other. I'm not sure where I want to sit for that reason, but I'd like to know what differences you want or expect if you're going to be that negative, as opposed to just being negative without any suggestions whatsoever besides "growing up."

Not only do I think there's room for both types of support, I think this group and its leadership ARE for both types of support. The people complaining about "hopefully Lawson and Numz accept your song" ummmm they never said they had exclusive song choices. There were sign up sheets for people who want to be involved in those decisions, and they said on camera at the meeting "Hey, we aren't about making songs up. If you want to sing, you stand near the people singing, and then more people sing, and more people and ta-da, its a chant." They also said anyone who wants to chant, you start a chant, and if people like it, they'll join in.

We're less than a year out from our first match. We need leadership... Would it be more ideal if people were voted and qualified and the like? Of course, but nobody knows anyone else. How are votes going to be cast anyway? Do you need a "title" to feel counted? Everyone was asked what they want to contribute to. I want to be involved, so I've made myself involved. Just do the same.

Missing the bar crawl, Q & A, and now first meeting isn't a good look either though, so I don't know how much say those people should have anyway. For those who have been able to meet up once, twice, or three times... Just make it a point to be involved.

Sam, I didn't get a chance to say hi when I was there (I'm not on the board or anything), but Chance, Zach, and Brian are very very approachable, friendly, and seem genuine. They're currently the big three based on the chart. The other positions are for organizational purposes, anyone can join them and be involved.

The best way to feel included is to be included though. I felt out of place at the bar crawl because a few guys knew each other already. This time, I felt a lot better. The next time, I'm sure it'll feel like an even closer bond.

Finally, right or wrong, drinking and singing creates camaraderie. Having fun isn't against the rules.
I want to be inclusive not exclusive. If you want to suggest a song, or idea for game day, come up to me and pitch it. Im not the "Game day warden". "YOU CANT BRING DRUMS" I dont like drums, but hey Im not gonna stop you at the gate, not big into tifo, but if you put the time and money into it, I'll aplaude your commitment to the team. Im not going to like everyones ideas, and not everyones not going to like mine, Im sure there will always be a middle ground.
Wow. That was a long-assed rant, sorry.
I agree with most of what you said, except for the fact that people who missed the 3 events shouldn't have a say, which is ridiculous. Being supporters and having other life responsibilities should not diminish your say. And that is exactly the kind of snobbery that has upset people to begin with.
I support the guys who are putting the time and effort in now to get this off the ground. I do think in the future, once this is off the ground, people should have to stand for elections. But I'm appreciative of the time and effort these guys are putting in now to build a foundation. I will attend meetings in the future and hope to get more involved. But I think we should all be careful of throwing stones while some people are doing the heavy lifting. Let's see this play out. We can always hold formal elections in the future, which is what I propose.
Here is the thing people need to understand. In the forming of an organization that is meant to represent its members, there are going to be growing pains. People are going to be unhappy about various things. It is crucial that if you are uncomfortable about something, you voice your concern. That is how the members can affect the formation and the maturity of this group to one that pleases most of the people most of the time. It is also crucial that if you disagree with the complaints, you don't attack the people who voiced them. Fair debate is fair debate, and at the end of the day, the majority will get what they want. But if you alienate people from the group because they have concerns rather than try to bring them closer, you will destroy the group, because at some point, everybody will have an issue with something.
As someone who is completely and 100% new to supporters, supporters culture, and being a bonafide not from a distance soccer fan....

What changes do you want to see in regards to the "rowdy frat boy" scene? Honest question because... when I think of only standing and never sitting... I think of people who are drinking and having a great time. If that's not what you're looking for, then what exactly are you looking for?

I'm not condemning one way or the other. I'm not sure where I want to sit for that reason, but I'd like to know what differences you want or expect if you're going to be that negative, as opposed to just being negative without any suggestions whatsoever besides "growing up."

Not only do I think there's room for both types of support, I think this group and its leadership ARE for both types of support. The people complaining about "hopefully Lawson and Numz accept your song" ummmm they never said they had exclusive song choices. There were sign up sheets for people who want to be involved in those decisions, and they said on camera at the meeting "Hey, we aren't about making songs up. If you want to sing, you stand near the people singing, and then more people sing, and more people and ta-da, its a chant." They also said anyone who wants to chant, you start a chant, and if people like it, they'll join in.

We're less than a year out from our first match. We need leadership... Would it be more ideal if people were voted and qualified and the like? Of course, but nobody knows anyone else. How are votes going to be cast anyway? Do you need a "title" to feel counted? Everyone was asked what they want to contribute to. I want to be involved, so I've made myself involved. Just do the same.

Missing the bar crawl, Q & A, and now first meeting isn't a good look either though, so I don't know how much say those people should have anyway. For those who have been able to meet up once, twice, or three times... Just make it a point to be involved.

Sam, I didn't get a chance to say hi when I was there (I'm not on the board or anything), but Chance, Zach, and Brian are very very approachable, friendly, and seem genuine. They're currently the big three based on the chart. The other positions are for organizational purposes, anyone can join them and be involved.

The best way to feel included is to be included though. I felt out of place at the bar crawl because a few guys knew each other already. This time, I felt a lot better. The next time, I'm sure it'll feel like an even closer bond.

Finally, right or wrong, drinking and singing creates camaraderie. Having fun isn't against the rules.

I did speak to Chance, Zach and Brian. All of them were great. Section1Guy, sorry I wasn't able to meet you. I could have done a better job getting to meet everyone there as well.

I have no problems with the "rowdy frat boy scene". I think that it's a good thing for a supporters group to have. I don't want to change anything about it.

I want to change the how the group represents itself. The rowdy frat boy thing is necessary, but it shouldn't be the single identity of the group. I don't think the message being communicated is that we don't want to have fun.

What I meant about being welcomed is that if this a group that wants to grow, someone should make an active effort to go out of their way to make people feel welcome whether they fit the "rowdy frat culture" or not. I have reached out to Zach personally about this and if I can help.

If people feel offended by the Shiehk costume, who is anyone to judge whether they are right to feel offended or not? I think it could have been handled more professionally:

"Sorry that hear that you feel offended. We had no intention of offending anyone. In fact, a member of the group wore the costume on his own initiative. that costume is not limited to members of a specific religion nor are there any requirements may by the original people who created that style of dress to which which people can wear it or not. We are celebrating the owner of this club. We understand that this is a sensitive issue and we would be happy to learn more about your concern. We appreciate your feedback and want to do our best to make sure you feel welcome."

Is that so hard? Instead of being super defensive. Be welcoming to feedback, suggestions and even criticism. Nobody is trying to kill a good time.
Hey Sam, I think I introduced myself to you at the meeting? I understand that you don't want the frat boy image to be the identity of this club. Personally I think it's great to have such passion from people, but I know there will be structure.

Hey Jon, was great speaking with you at the meeting. You were very helpful with a lot of the questions I had. I guess I should stay away from labeling it a "frat boy image". I have also said that being rowdy and loud is also a good thing. That isn't my concern.

My only concern is that people who aren't used to that or are not expecting it may feel unwelcome at first. I just want this group to grow and I would like a singular voice to be actively welcoming and accepting of all people.
I personally hate facebook and i am less inclined to join anything on facebook. just my opinion.
We need a website for supporters that does not allow every moron to post whatever they want. Otherwise it is impossible to distinguish what is coming from the SG and what is coming from individuals.

I think we all realized from the beginning that FB was a horrible format. Hopefully they ditch it soon.
We need a website for supporters that does not allow every moron to post whatever they want. Otherwise it is impossible to distinguish what is coming from the SG and what is coming from individuals.

I think we all realized from the beginning that FB was a horrible format. Hopefully they ditch it soon.
Once the name is decided, the next step would be to get a website. Access to make coments or suggestions about the club will be limited to paid members only.
Hey Jon, was great speaking with you at the meeting. You were very helpful with a lot of the questions I had. I guess I should stay away from labeling it a "frat boy image". I have also said that being rowdy and loud is also a good thing. That isn't my concern.

My only concern is that people who aren't used to that or are not expecting it may feel unwelcome at first. I just want this group to grow and I would like a singular voice to be actively welcoming and accepting of all people.
My trust is 100% behind Zach, Brian, and Chance. I'm not that big into the craziness, that's why I tried to talk to as many people as I could to hear everyone's questions and concerns. I know some people don't have it in them to go all out nuts, but as long as you're there thats what matter.
Hey Jon, was great speaking with you at the meeting. You were very helpful with a lot of the questions I had. I guess I should stay away from labeling it a "frat boy image". I have also said that being rowdy and loud is also a good thing. That isn't my concern.

My only concern is that people who aren't used to that or are not expecting it may feel unwelcome at first. I just want this group to grow and I would like a singular voice to be actively welcoming and accepting of all people.

I'm not sure I agree there is a 'rowdy frat boy ' image on the board.

Numz and I have been extremely vocal with our songs at all of the supporters groups meetings since day 1 and as a result of this were invited onto the board as 'directors of song'. Wanting this club and any SG to succeed we obviously accepted. However, we have made it clear from day 1 that even though we are extremely keen to ensure this side of the game-day experience grows organically and not to have the "at minute 8 sing this song" scenarios during a season. It's unfair to view the entire board an unorganized, drunken mess due to a small group of people singing songs and having a few pints.

If you do have loud and at times, obnoxious fans as part of the SG (which I'm sure we can come across as) surely the place to do it is through chanting?!

As my good pal @Numz15 was getting at earlier, if you feel uneasy with the drinking and the singing I'm sorry guys but that is your own issue, the pair of us are more than approachable and I will happily chat for extensive period To anyone about all aspects of this fantastic sport and this potentially great club.