Third Rail Songs And Chants


Seasoned Supporter
This is what was distributed on the bus to philly. Was told it was a general base of chants

This is what was distributed on the bus to philly. Was told it was a general base of chants


Just thought this up in the shower, but I must say it's inspired. Use this if there are any anti-frank chants from other supporter groups. We can give him all the shit we want, but other teams are not allowed to!

To the tune of She'll be Coming Round the Mountain:

Frank will score for New York City when he comes!
When he comes!
Frank will score for New York City when he comes!
When he comes!
Frank will score for New York City
And damn will his goals be pretty!
Frank will score for New York City when he comes!!!!

Pretty catchy, ain't it ;)
THANK YOU! i've been asking myself the same thing....if you wanna chant those songs at third rail bars before the match feel free but why during the game would we start singing a european love song? SO far the best chants i've seen are the yankee doodle kreis's army one and the simon and garfunkel mrs. robinson tune that man city uses for kompany but i guess since the third rail didn't come up with those........

EDIT: meant to quote sbrylski saying "Why the Proclaimers?"
I'm all for NYC-centric stuff, but I've got nothing against UK pop music.

West Ham's bubbles identity is based on an American pop song from 1918.
Multiple English teams, most notably MU, sings chants based on The Battle Hymn of the Republic (that would be the US republic, in case anyone was confused).
Liverpool's "You'll Never Walk Alone" is a Broadway show tune by Rodgers and Hammerstein.
The US National Anthem and "My Country Tis of Thee" are both set to English tunes.
Elvis Costello "Pump It Up", Gary Glitter "Rock and Roll Part 2" Queen "We Will Rock You" The Rolling Stones "Start Me Up" are US sports arena mainstays. They're completely overdone, but the problem is not that they're British.

Songs and chants are good or they're not, but I don't care who wrote the melody.
I'm all for NYC-centric stuff, but I've got nothing against UK pop music.

West Ham's bubbles identity is based on an American pop song from 1918.
Multiple English teams, most notably MU, sings chants based on The Battle Hymn of the Republic (that would be the US republic, in case anyone was confused).
Liverpool's "You'll Never Walk Alone" is a Broadway show tune by Rodgers and Hammerstein.
The US National Anthem and "My Country Tis of Thee" are both set to English tunes.
Elvis Costello "Pump It Up", Gary Glitter "Rock and Roll Part 2" Queen "We Will Rock You" The Rolling Stones "Start Me Up" are US sports arena mainstays. They're completely overdone, but the problem is not that they're British.

Songs and chants are good or they're not, but I don't care who wrote the melody.

Please keep your meddlesome facts out of this.
I also suggested stand by me as an anthem of sorts and everyone shot that idea down too and some idiots even suggested using empire state of mind by jay z like come on