We Need To Get It Together

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Seasoned Supporter
Mar 19, 2014
Simply put, we need to clean up our act. I just saw a soccer journalist on twitter reference a thread in here that puts us in a negative light. Obviously it isn't an overall representation of us but its damaging our reputation. There are a lot of people who don't like this team and it's fans, we don't need to give them ammo to look down on us even more.
As I've said before there is nothing any of us can do to keep the bad apples from being just that. Wether on here or twitter or Facebook you will have a few people that aren't the brightest or aren't the most respectful and do/say dumb stuff. It's up to us to not put ourself in group with them.
1 post (which I don't know what it is) from 1 person and you're saying 'we' have to get it together?
Why not just message that person and tell them to control themselves a bit.

We will do our part to better control how we are seen outside of the community.
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I spoke the guy on Twitter and he was pretty nice. Basically I told him one post does not represent the group and he was glad to hear that. I did think that post was over the top when I saw it last night, but I passed out before I got around to commenting on it.

He send me this link and I feel it would be proper to share with the group:

Despite the awful title, it is good article... especially if we want to present ourselves in the best light.
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Unfortunately, the most active poster on here is an U18 Internet hard man so that's what people see. Can't stop it, can only hope to contain it. Part of being open to all is having to deal with idiots, especially in an anonymous setting like this. Should we do a better job bringing things up to mods? Maybe, but I think a better approach is to publicly engage the dummies and show them up for what they really are. If the lurkers see 10 posts shouting down 1 offensive/dumb/pointless topic, that might do more than just making it disappear.
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Unfortunately, the most active poster on here is an U18 Internet hard man so that's what people see. Can't stop it, can only hope to contain it. Part of being open to all is having to deal with idiots, especially in an anonymous setting like this. Should we do a better job bringing things up to mods? Maybe, but I think a better approach is to publicly engage the dummies and show them up for what they really are. If the lurkers see 10 posts shouting down 1 offensive/dumb/pointless topic, that might do more than just making it disappear.
Whos the u18 kid
Unfortunately, the most active poster on here is an U18 Internet hard man so that's what people see. Can't stop it, can only hope to contain it. Part of being open to all is having to deal with idiots, especially in an anonymous setting like this. Should we do a better job bringing things up to mods? Maybe, but I think a better approach is to publicly engage the dummies and show them up for what they really are. If the lurkers see 10 posts shouting down 1 offensive/dumb/pointless topic, that might do more than just making it disappear.
Agreed but unfortunately there's more than one moron and when they get shot down then the cavalry shows up and it just turns into a flame war.

I wonder if you could reduce the number of forums and sticky post stringent rules at the top of each one. Start rolling out a sanction system. 1st offence = 3 day ban and so on. As we move closer to kick off you could start reducing the amount of rules as there would actually be something solid to talk about and some unifying direction for the fans.

At the moment we're supporting an idea, but when we can support a team the I'm certain it will be all for one and one for all.
Can someone link the twitter post? I'm curious which thread is in question.

It's kind of ironic that the only time I've felt the need to moderate a thread was in a thread about how we need to moderate threads. Don't call users MORONS please. Whether you agree or disagree with what they post - it is a personal attack and it is against our TOS.

If you guys have problems with anything posted in these forums let us know. We have the guidelines in place to keep this place sane. Personally, I haven't felt that any thread have gotten out of hand, the ones that have we've dealt with. I agree things need to change, but these changes would be at a personal level and I'm not about to start policing individuals even if I disagree with them.
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Agree. That's why I'm surprised something was posted here that was considered inappropriate. I can't recall that ever happening before.
That "media" guy is a NJED fan though so his presence on the forums is just to find dirt and make a scene to paint us in an unfavorable light. Their "I'd like you guys to be successful because it helps soccer" shtick is a big sack of bullshit. It's a perk of being a NJ season ticket holder.
I hate his fat cozy smug ***** face. And you just wait. As we get closer to march I expect us to get trolled, users starting ridiculous threads and someone on twitter "exposing how every single NYCFC fan agrees with it".
I hope the staff keeps a tight ship.
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The people on twitter completely
Misunderstood my post. They are the pc police. If i offended anybody (i dont see how i can) i publicly apologize.

Sorry if i brought a bad rep to the forum. But on a side note, some people will be pissed at us (as a forum). Its just gonna happen
The people on twitter completely
Misunderstood my post. They are the pc police. If i offended anybody (i dont see how i can) i publicly apologize.

Sorry if i brought a bad rep to the forum. But on a side note, some people will be pissed at us (as a forum). Its just gonna happen
That will happen but we shouldn't make it easy either
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That "media" guy is a NJED fan though so his presence on the forums is just to find dirt and make a scene to paint us in an unfavorable light. Their "I'd like you guys to be successful because it helps soccer" shtick is a big sack of bullshit. It's a perk of being a NJ season ticket holder.
I hate his fat cozy smug ***** face. And you just wait. As we get closer to march I expect us to get trolled, users starting ridiculous threads and someone on twitter "exposing how every single NYCFC fan agrees with it".
I hope the staff keeps a tight ship.
I wouldn't go that far. Dan is a good guy, and while I might find his skepticism frustrating he has good reason. He's been following NY2 for a long time now so he knows how difficult the process is and the many pitfalls that go along with it.
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The thread about the NY-NE supporters march.
Yeah I just saw the Twitter post. I'm gonna say to take a step back - Dan has already posted to GothamistDan, let him carry the weight. Leave it alone from here.

I really don't want to start moderating content but we do need to protect our image.

This is why I constantly point out why something may be considered offensive to others. You think I personally give a shit if we hoist a banner with Kreis as Christ? Or the whole Sheik debacle? Nope. Couldn't give a rats ass. But guys like GOTHAMISTDAN who make a career out of sensationalizing otherwise benign events certainly do! And it could literally bring us down over night. God forbid that thread gets posted on a right-wing military vets forum. We would be branded as the ANTI-AMERICAN PRO-TERRORISM forum. Just because a kid mistakenly interpreted a Youtube video. (and for the record I don't blame CP_Scouse CP_Scouse at all. He didn't know and he learned from it...big deal, shit happens. He's one of us.)

So from this point forward, if you have a problem with a post, PLEASE inform one of us - either myself, Dan, Jerzy or Falastur. Tell us why you are reporting a post. We will make a judgement call.
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Was it offensive, yes... did you know why they were doing it? No.
Did EVERYONE else tell you and explain, Yes. I'm most upset about the MLS Analyst guy saying he doesn't believe we have enough fans for a forum. That's pitiful on his part. For them to take 1 post... 1 f-ing post and generalize the entire site is pitiful as well. Call yourself an ANALYST and you can't analyze for shit, clearly.

Are all of NYRB fans hooligans because two of their supporters fought EACH OTHER? give me a break people.
All this will pass when we have a team, right now all they can focus on is us and i think it's embarrassing for them.
Personally I don't have the time to lurk on cosmos and red bulls forums/social networks to find dirt on them.
Talk about loss of credibility.
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